Reviews by Johnn

Pros: Great layers, friendly, love to free range, Huge eggs!
Cons: abit thick when it comes to running away from danger
Ive had ex batts and POL they were all great, they layed lots of eggs and their eggs were always huge, i have 2 that are 7 and still lay. They are really friendly and good with other animals. They love to free range. They are just full of personality, I love them!


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Pros: Lovley dark coloured eggs. good free rangers, egg laying
Cons: timid
I got my two off a woman who was getting rid of all hers, she didnt charge me much as she was in desperate need for them to go. They were both very confident towards the other hens, they layed very quickly after arriving and one went broody and sat on 26 eggs!!, the year after she toned it down and sat on 8. They were both timid and hard to catch. They are both dead now, one killed by a stoat and the other found dead on her back in the field, I miss having this breed in the flock and am looking forward to bringing it back in next year.
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Pros: Great broodies, Geat mothers! and tame.
Cons: poor egg laying.
When i got my orpingtons (i got 2) they stuck up for them selfs very well, which also helped them get through the pecking order with in a week. After a week of getting them 1 started to lay, she was laying a egg about every day. 2 month later, the other started to lay, she layed and egg every other day and went broody, she hatched 2 chicks and is a great mother and took well to bringing the two up with another hen. she is now the only mother because the other hen comes and goes when she feels like it. Over all they are a great breed and one which will be kept in the flock. If yous are wondering why i have put poor egg laying it is because the hen who doesn't have chicks is only laying about 2 eggs a week.

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