Reviews by JimWWhite

Pros: Super layers, hardy, nice looking birds
Cons: N/A
We got 24 of the BSL's back on the first of September and I've been very pleased with them. They were 14 weeks old when we got them. They replaced my old flock of Golden Comets who were spent and they started laying right at 26 weeks right after Thanksgiving. Super layers. It's late January now and they're probably about 34 weeks old now. We're getting close to 100% egg production with 20 to 22 eggs each day. I'm betting by early spring they will be at 100%. They lay extra large to jumbo sized brown eggs. They're everything the Golden Comets were when it comes to egg laying. And I think with the ginger colored markings around the neck capes they are a really nice looking bird. They're friendly and tolerate the four guineas who are in the run with them.

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