Reviews by Incukahlan

Pros: Holds a good amount of feed, durable, colorful?
Cons: Gets dirty quickly, hard to clean, chickens open too easily, food gets buried rather quickly
So, this is the cheapest feeder to get at our feed store. So for some reason I keep buying them. Lol. That said, I can't stand them for grown hens! They don't work. They get kicked open within 30 seconds of being placed down on the ground, which is frustrating because it takes me 3 minutes to open the darn thing and fill it! Lol. If it doesn't get kicked open it gets filled with straw, bedding, muck, and whatever else is laying around. When I do use these I elevate them on bricks to minimize this. I've also tried using wire to keep it closed so they can't make a mess, but that just makes them get mad and flip it completely upside down. Save your money and use a random plastic container you have lying around. Lol. Works good for little ones, because they are too small to battle with it. Once the bird is bigger than the feeder the feeder does not work. : )
Pros: Fits on all of the standard containers for waterers and feeders, easy to clean, threads on nice and tight
Cons: apparently not small enough for quail
So, my loving and thoughtful husband knew I was trying to figure out a way for my suicidal quail hatchlings to drink water without drowning themselves. The next time he went to our local feed store for pig and chicken feed he asked them if they had any such thing as a "quail waterer", and here this item appeared. Never heard of such a thing. Seems genius due to it's small size, and narrow sides. But, apparently my quail are too "smart" to be fooled by such a thing and dove right in. We lost one baby unfortunately, and had 7 others completely soaked. I now fill the bottom of this with marbles, like any other dish for quail and take it out most nights, just to be sure there are no accidents. Overall, great concept/idea, just needs to be more shallow in my opinion because if the little ones do fall in they get stuck due to the high sides and narrow walls. Adding marbles to the bottom, as usual helps. But then it makes it just like every other water dish we make for quails, lol, just holds more water I suppose.
Pros: Digital display, holds a good number of eggs, Easy to clean and disinfect, comes with fan. lots of water troughs to help with humidity
Cons: Horrible temperature spikes, cannot rely on built in thermometer/hygrometer at all,
So, my sweet husband got this for me for Valentine's Day knowing that I wanted an actual incubator(typically use home made). I was so absolutely thrilled I instantly plugged it in and got it ready for eggs. Already know how to incubate eggs, already have experience and done tons of research. I started with using a secondary thermometer/hygrometer to verify my digital readings I was getting up top on the incubator display. They were so off that I actually returned my Acurite thermometer/hygrometer, thinking I must have gotten a dud. Nope. Turns out even when this says it's at a good solid 99.5 or 100.0 it can actually be up anywhere between 104-116. Yes, I actually got a solid spike of 116. Fried all of my babies. I've been through well over 80 poor eggs, chicken, duck, and quail before being able to figure this thing out and make any use out of it. I was getting very close to smashing it with something, but it was a thoughtful gift, so I wanted to make it work somehow. I have, and can't actually use the digital display up top at all, nor can I actually set my incubator at 99.5 to actually get 99.5, but I have figured it out for the most part and keep a very close eye on it to watch for spikes. It's not reliable, and isn't even able to hatch anything unless you go through the work of making adjustments that should be unnecessary. Also the fan doesn't seem to be strong enough as my temperature is not consistent throughout the bator. am still using this, but making a new better home made incubator this week, as I need more space and want something I can count on. Overall, I would not recommend, or purchase again. There is a thread in the forum on this particular incubator and I couldn't find anyone that said anything good about it. I added it to the review section thinking that other people would like info before deciding to try it or not. Hopefully others have had better experiences than I have, or heard of others having. Happy Incubating!
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Pros: Consistent Eggs, Great personality, Lap Chicken, Good With Kids, Large to Extra Large size eggs
Cons: With any bird if you are not hands on they will not be as friendly but that's to be expected
It's very important that our birds be friendly, as we have kids. We have raised several of these birds and I'm currently hatching some too! We are very hands on with our flock and our girl Raven is very very personable. She was actually kept inside the house for a bit and loved being around people, sitting in laps, running around or sleeping with the dogs and cats. Also loves to fly to you when you go into the coop. Lays a consistent 6 eggs weekly, all large and light brown. In the right conditions will lay through summer and winter as well if needed. Definitely in my top two for good friendly layers. The other is Buff Orpington.
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