Reviews by HeiHeisMom

Svart Hona

Pros: Gets the "gotta peck something" out of their system.
Smells good.
Cons: Crumbles easy into big mash mesh that hens kick around.
More waste than worth for the cost.
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Reactions: Jenbirdee
Pros: Pretty extream weather hearty. We have eight in South Coastal Texas, very humid and hot and our Reds are thriving.
They prefer the coop in heat of day. They are great with our other animals and love humans!
Sweet girls, and gentlemanly Roo.
Cons: They can get pushy when they want something they're not supposed to have. The more the no-no is hidden or put under lock, the more they try to break in to check it Very curious and determined breed. Not really a con, but FYI.
Breed is much heartier than stated. They are a handful, just like any redhead❤️
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