Reviews by Garjzla


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Pros: Beautiful eggs, get along with others, big birds, easy to raise
Cons: Very skittish, like to go into trees, aren't very proficient layers
I've had these birds for a while, and I'm not very satisfied with them, but they'll still be staying on the farm all the same.

Even as chicks they were skittish, and I can't even go near them now. Which is kind of a bummer, because they greatly resembled barred rocks and I've had the best experience with barred rocks, so I just expected more from them.

But all in all, they're okay for egg laying, and their eggs are gorgeous. Too bad they don't lay in the coop, because they won't go in it.
Unfriendly or skittish rooster will pass on that trait to the chicks to both roos and hens. They are calm if you start with calm roos and hens for your breeding stock. and when you get a Roo or Hen that is twitchy or mean,,,,, it needs to be culled and not bred. If you do this, you will have and maintain a good-natured flock. The aggressive genes can surface from time to time, but you have to get rid of it. If you have one with aggressiveness it will most certainly pass that on to all the offspring.
Pros: Decent, sweet chicks, beautiful patterns, hardy
Cons: Roosters fight a lot, not very good mothers, roosters are sometimes very abusive towards the hens
These are decent birds, though not my favorite. They tend to fight a lot, they're pretty bad mothers, and some of the roosters seem to like to breed a little too often. One has been destroying my hens (butchering him soon).

Very beautiful, and extremely hardy. So, that's a plus! Not my favorite.
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Pros: Fluffy, sweet, big, great egg layers, beautiful combs, calm, gentle.
Cons: Don't like being held.
I have one black Wyandotte named Lucy. She's very big and heavy, so thankfully she's the sweetest thing and doesn't attack anyone. Though she doesn't like being held, I can pet her and she'll perch on my arm or my head, and likes to "ride" on my back
. She lays everyday (except for this time of year, considering it's Fall and she's in molt) and they're VERY large eggs. She gets along with the others and never fights, and she doesn't eat too much. She's the biggest hen in my flock, and she's beautiful. Her feathers are very shiny and in the sun they look a little green, which is beautiful to see. She doesn't need a lot of space either, and won't pick on new hens (even though all of my new hens are smaller than her).

Also, beautiful eye color, I think
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Pilgrim Geese

Pros: Cute, clean, calm, stay together, don't wander, don't attack
Cons: Like to beat up chickens, consume a lot, destroy grassy penned up areas, really territorial during breeding season
My pilgrim geese were really sweet and adorable at first, but once breeding season came along I had to get rid of them. Nearly killed some of my chickens.

Now that they have been sold to a place with no chickens and lots of space, I've heard they're really sweet and get along with everyone perfectly. So, if you don't have lots of space, don't get these birds! Probably won't try them out again, I prefer smaller poultry.
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I own pilgrims they are in my huge back yard fence with my chickens, they have their own house for nesting, they can be aggressive to chicken during breeding season, but once egg hatched, they go back to being sweet, I love them
Pros: Tasty, chickens love it, gives them entertainment, gives them the needed nutrients, you shake the bag & they come running!
Cons: A bit on the pricey side, sometimes a lot of dust, chickens get addicted!
My chickens adore these mealworms! I love getting them, even though they're expensive. Chickens are worth the money!
I would just raise my own, but I would NEVER be able to allow mealworms, live mealworms, into my home! Ew, just the thought makes me gag
The chickens get addicted, they need those worms! I don't mind buying them, but it's really getting ME addicted! Now I just have the need to buy them!
I love how when I shake the bag they come running as fast as possible and try to get some before I even open the bag!
Overall, it's perfect!
Pros: Lots of breeds, great pictures, is good to read when you're bored, good for when you don't know what bantam breed to get.
Cons: The book's pretty short, not much detail on the breeds.
It's a great book! I picked one up from the library and I adored it! Though it was short, it was still interesting and worth getting!
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Pros: Beautiful, hens are adorable, roosters are beautiful, cold and heat hardy
Cons: Mean, skittish, roosters attack, took a long time to start laying, beat up other flock members, unintelligent
I did not have a pleasant experience with my Brahmas. They were pretty mean, and had injured me on multiple occasions. Maybe it was just bad genetics, but I had to get rid of them.

I may try them out again, but they were never a favorite of mine.


Super Admin
Pros: Cute, fluffy, don't wander, don't eat a lot, stay with the rooster
Cons: Not very good layers, really panicky, pretty timid, get picked on a lot
My Cochin was pretty darn cute, and very pleasant to have. But she gets picked on a lot and unlike some of my other, larger hens, she wont' defend herself if another chicken is messing with them.

She's pretty panicky, but once I got rid of my more abusive roosters she calmed down a bit. She'll occasionally let me hold her.


Super Admin
Pros: Very cute, pretty hardy, don't eat much, dedicated broodies, don't require any special care
Cons: incredibly small, very very shy, easily panicked
My silkie is really cute and adorably tiny, but she's also easily panicked. I'd recommend getting multiple silkies, and not just one, so they can fit in with birds their size.
I don't really want any more birds like her, she is usually freaking out about some random thing, but she's a cutie.


Super Admin
Pros: Tame, cuddly, beautiful, interesting, very nice to flock members, don't wander, don't eat a lot of food, lay often
Cons: Not too good in muddy places and hot places, really stubborn at times, never go broody, demand attention, roosters are aggressive, bad eyesight
My sultans were very fun to have!
The roosters were aggressive (could just be bad genetics) and got butchered in the end, but my hen is the sweetest chicken I have ever had, and she's pretty smart, too!

Very different from most chickens I've had, and can really start a conversation. I'm picky about what breeds of birds I want, but sultans are definitely a breed that will be staying in my flock.

Also, my hen lays nearly everyday, which is really surprising and impressive even if her eggs are small.
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