Reviews by fuzzybutt love

Pros: covers all aspects of health and sickness from in the shell to adulthood
Cons: none so far
Written by a veterinarian for the backyard flock. Many pictures and illustrations. Helpful diagnostic charts for incubation helps, and for identifying diseases by symptoms. Invaluable for preventing illness, and for treating it should it strike your flock.
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Pros: shy, cuddly, colorful, content with confinement
Cons: gets picked on by more flighty/wild breeds
These are my favorite birds so far. Of my flock, these are the ones who come running to greet me, and jump into my lap if i sit down. Unlike some of the other breeds i've tried, they did not get "wild" when making the transition into adulthood. I have since bought a few adult hens that tended to be more shy and flighty, but in time I have won them over. I have had 3 different rooster so far, and all 3 were different. They can be overly protective of their hens, depending on the individual rooster. My current rooster will spur me if i come up too quickly, but he is very gentle with his flock and newcomers to the flock (after slowly being introduced) I have seen him protect youngsters from the flock bullies and he feeds the chicks as though they are his own. He always gives the best tidbits to the hens, and is happy to be held and petted if i approach slowly. I edited to add that for the more timid ones, hand feeding treats does wonders. Mine go nuts over bananas, but like any treat don't go overboard!
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