Reviews by ForrestGump

Pros: Hardy, good layers, big birds, good for meat production, very vigorous, entertaining
Cons: Can be aggressive towards other birds.
My first naked neck arrived by accident via hatching eggs I bought. Since then I've been breeding and crossing NN chickens for several years. They are great layers, good for meat production, excellent in all types of weather from hot and humid to cold and windy. They can be crossed with other breeds to produce different characteristics. My flock consists of green, blue and olive egg laying NNs that have Ameraucana and legbar parentage. I also have a line of Black copper Marans naked necks that lay chocolate brown eggs.

My oldest hens are three years old and still laying strong. Because they are so large and rugged, they can tend to pick on other chickens, especially if they are in a flock with several of their NN sisters.

Overall they are friendly and curious birds. They are experts at free ranging. I'm not sure how they would do confined to a small coop. Mine prefer to be out all day in the yard or in the run. blue turkens (7).JPG blue turkens (7).JPG many turkens (5).JPG many turkens (23).JPG Mohawk (17).JPG Mohawk (38).JPG
Purchase Price
Purchase Date
July 2014
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