Reviews by ducky213

Pros: Very social, sweet, cannot say enough good things about the breed!
Cons: Hard to find good breeders.
Have had SCCL Nankin since 2015. Best breed of bantams I have ever had!
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Pros: Aren't as messy as mallard derived ducks, hardy, comical, GREAT mother's, lay several clutches a year, very prolific.
They are quiet, come in many colors and patterns, eat lots of insects, their meat and eggs taste great.
They are rather fearless.
Cons: Talons... and they know how to use them.
Honestly I cannot say enough about these wonderful yard puppies. They are super cute when they are wagging their tails and the ducks make the cutest trill sound and drakes hissing laughing sould.. unless pissed.
Won't find a better breed of waterfowl..
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