Reviews by Disco Hen

I have one easter egger who is very friendly. We get very large eggs, and they are green! I would highly recommend them to any people with pets or kids. They are always nice and people friendly!


Super Admin
Pros: lots of eggs, sweet
Cons: kinda loud
These are some of my favorite ducks! They are great, they lay one or sometimes even two eggs a day! They are also very affectionate. The only con is they are kinda noisy.

Blue Swedish

Super Admin
These are very good ducks! They are very tame, and love attention. The one thing is they have some leg problems, because their legs are so short. But overall they make great pets! And they are very smart, and food driven! They are also ver beautiful birds!


Super Admin
I really wish I had one of these. But I do know they are very good-cute birds!
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Great chicken!!!


Super Admin
Frizzles are pretty great chickens and have almost no faults! But the thing is with their feathers curling upward it doesn't seal the heat in, so they can get cold very easily. Also when it rains or snows they have to be sheltered because the rain or snow gets stuck in their feathers. Same when its hot the sun can get to their skin. But they are still my favorite chicken, and always will be!
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