Reviews by cybercat

Pros: Cold hardy, free range real well, lay threw winter, broody, calm
Cons: none
I breed these birds. Temperament from some hatcheries are not that great. I got my starter flock from Mt Healthy. They did great were of two strains. One being more heritage stock and one more production stock. I have since added birds from another breeder. I have not noticed the skittishness others have mentioned. My farm dog could walk among them with no problems. Even had had squat for her to put her paw on their back like I would do with my hand. Even had a couple hens that would sit on my lap if I sat on a chair, there idea not mine. Egg size varies from med to xlarge. Color varies also from some hatcheries from light brown on hens to the darker brown. Legs should be yellow on both hens and roosters, though hens leg color will get less the more they lay. Mine have free ranged in snow and still layed. Heat of summer they will drop off of production but do not have any other problems with heat. My first rooster were very calm and I have not had any of mine attack me or my family. This can not be said of all hatcheries Partridge Rocks though. These color line of Plymouth Rock is very broody. I had out of my first 23 hens 10 go broody first year. They are good moms and teach chicks how to range well and what to be warry of in predators like hawks. Rooster are good with chicks from broodies. Adult hens are tough on cockerals until they get almost a year old but pullets they are OK with most of the time. I bought this color strain just because I planned on free ranging. I wanted long laying life span. I have hens now 5 years old that still lay 4 to 5 eggs a day for me. But I feed a 20% protein feed along with their free ranging. We have butchered a few and had a decent carcase. The Partridge Rock is not as big as the Barred Rock but only by a small bit. Hatchery chickens are smaller than heritage breeder stock. But there are not many breeders of this color strain. Most hatcheries do carry it. This color strain is well worth owning specially if you want a broody.
Pros: Good size, steady layer, forages real well,broody,weather hardy,great temeperment,roosters are nice
Cons: harder to find outside of a hatchery, not many breeders, very rare color
I am raising a flock of Partridge rocks. I free range and breed them. They work great for me due to their size and pattern as well as their friendlness. I have not had a mean to humans type of rooster. All my roosters have been good towards people. Hens lay real well, egg size medlarge to jumbo. I have had some lay 2times a day in the spring here. Food type is important with these as they do much better of 18 or higher protien due to their size.

Males and females are two different colors and patterns. Females are brown with black penciling and males a red and black soild no pattern. This is one of the reason this color pattern is not highly bred. The Whites and barreds are more common but due to breeding may lack some of the Partrdge qualities like broodness and foraging.

Overall this breed Plymouth Rock is a great backyard chicken breed to own. It has 7 colors variations and one of the best temperments of many breeds. It was made in th USA just for a backyard chicken and has never left it.
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