Reviews by CupOJoe42

Pros: Uses radiant heat to keep chicks warm. Adjustable heights. Saves in electricity and no risk of fire.
Cons: Can't see chicks underneath.
I own both sizes of the Brinsea EcoGlow Chick Brooder and I love them and highly recommend them to everyone interested in raising baby chicks. Not only did I save on electricity, but I didn't have to worry about pine shavings or paper towels catching on fire. The EcoGlow is easy to clean and set up. No need to worry about adjusting heat lamps every week. Chicks go under the EcoGlow when they are cold and come out when they are hungry, thirsty, or want to play.

The EcoGlow 20 was $59.99 and the EcoGlow 50 was $129.99.
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