Reviews by chickerdoodle

Pros: Easy to feed and keep available at all times.
Cons: Not sold locally so have to order on line.
Our hens love this stuff! Its also healthier to feed them these worms than cat food when they are molting. I don't feed corn or soy so I add a few of these in their rolled oats for scratch. I bought mine on sale this time for only $14.99 too!
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Pros: Friendly, curious, pretty and excellent, reliable layer of large eggs. Our girl is even affectionate and coos when picked up.
Cons: None.
We adore our Barred Plymouth Rock, Beatrice. She is not heavy "beaked" toward other hens as number 2 in our flock's pecking order. She lays 5-6 large eggs a week all year except when molting. She is a beautiful bird and loves to be with her people. She is an active bird and quite smart too! I would get another one in an instant if I wanted to increase our flock.
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