Reviews by chickenlover89


Super Admin
Pros: Cute, Fluffy, sweet, fun to watch
Cons: Not great egg layers, broody often
I have one silkie. From the time we got her, she layed 3 eggs a week and was so sweet and friendly! Then, she went broody 3 times in a row
But she came back to us just as friendly as the first time we held her! She is so sweet and soft and fluffy and fun to play with! I love her and would recommend this breed to anyone.
Pros: hangs, holds 12 pounds of food, galvanized
Cons: none
I love this feeder! I have a small flock and like to have a hanging feeder, and this has been my favorite one, it's easy to hang, holds twelve pounds of food, and is galvanized! also, this feeder has not fallen apart like some of my other ones have! I really love this feeder.


Super Admin
Pros: pretty, friendly
Cons: VERY slow to feather out
I got a lavender araucana chick, and "she" has been very friendly, and pretty, but i have had problems with "her" feathering out VERY slowly.
Pros: friendly, pretty, feathers out fast, VERY hardy, good layer, docile
Cons: none that i have found
i have one barred rock and she is my friendliest chicken, always lets me hold her, never runs from me, and she learns very quickly! She lays tons of eggs, and is totally docile! at the end of the day, she hops up into my lap when i come outside! love them!
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Pros: friendly
Cons: none that i have found
My Buff Orpington is one of my sweetest, friendliest chick that i have right now. She is very friendly, walks onto my hand when i put it in their brooder, and never wants to get off my hand. Mine are only 2.5 weeks old now though. They do get their feathers VERY quickly too!
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