Reviews by Chicken Egg 17

Pros: Lay large dark brown eggs, and they are they calmest breed I have in my flock
Cons: They won't let my rooster mount the them
They are a great breed I have 3 of them very calm I can walk right up to them and pick them up, they don't peck or hurt the others, and they lay these huge dark brown eggs I haven't been able to get the egg cartons closed so I have been taping the cartons closed. They are even very pretty birds with there bright shiny red brown colors with a bit of white. I highly reccomend these birds for any backyard flock.


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Pros: Great broody mothers such a calm docile bird
Cons: Don't lay very many eggs but it's not a problem to me so that's the only problem I have with them
I highly reccomend this breed especially for family's who have kids that would want to hold the chicken and feed them some bread or something with out having a breed that is going to jump out of there arms and there wing hit them in the face. They love to be pet and held also which I like to do a lot just to pet them talk to them give them a treat and let them go back to the flock but I highly reccomend this breed for small children and people who love Broodys
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Pros: Lay good pretty sized eggs calm very docile
Cons: None that I can think of
I got her free from my uncle she is very calm gentle good around my animals. Lays really pretty eggs good sized and the tom is very gentle with her and he is pretty calm also he isn't aggressive so it's a great breed
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Pros: Great layers, very calm and gentle, quiet birds, great free Rangers
Cons: None that I can think of
I have a few Easter eggers including my rooster he is very protective of his lady's he finds them food and he leads them all in he house at night and will come back out after he thinks they are all in just to make sure they are all in and goes back in and hops up on the roost with everyone else. The hens are one of my favorite layers in my mixed flock they lay pretty good in the winter and they lay every day in the spring/summer and they are very calm and quiet good free Rangers and are pretty good kept in a run. The most reason I like them is because they are so quiet when I go out to check on them and make sure they are all in and I pet them a little bit and the don't even make a noise they love to be picked up and petted unlike the rest of my birds in my mixed flock u try to pet them and they sqawk like ur going to stab them and cut there head off so my Easter eggers are the quietest birds I have ever owned hope every one else likes them as much as I do they are really pretty birds also I highly reccomend these birds good luck.

Here is a pic of my Easter egger rooster his name is Fred

And here is his daughter Roada
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