Reviews by CandySilkieGirl

Pros: Good fryers, so sweet
Cons: Very bossy, fast weight gain
These are our meat birds, and boy are they good! They are so friendly I would love to keep one or two but there weight gain is too unhealthy to keep them.
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Pros: Great meat
Cons: Dumb, Do not stop eating, so messy
I don't think you will ever get an egg from these chickens. The only hen we tried to keep died young of heart failure. They can barely walk and have a lack of feathers! But I can say they taste good!


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Pros: Adorable, broody, friendly
Cons: Not many eggs due to broodiness, not exactly the smartest
Adorable, so fluffy and friendly. They bond very quickly as chicks. such a sweet rooster couldn't hurt anyone. Joey is probably the dumbest silkies iv ever seen. She will set and once she gets babies they all ended up dying because she wont take care of them! Not a very intelligent chicken but none the less they are sweethearts.


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Pros: So pretty, proud, great mothers and fathers, great layers
Cons: if you dont hand raise they can be very unfriendly
Our rooster Cogburn is BEAUTIFUL he will do anything for his hens. An adorable little crow, and he is a great father. The hens are great layers and get broody constantly. They are great mothers and will even share theyre babies and set together! Don't think twice about getting one of these chickens!
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Pros: Pretty, adventerous, lots of personality
Cons: NOISY, top hen, does not like the rooster
We have a gold laced polish named Lucille She looks like a cartoon character! We have even had to trim her head feathers as when they get wet they droop in her face and she can not see. A great layer! White eggs, although we get no babies from her due to the fact she will not let our rooster breed her. She is the noisiest chicken I have ever heard. She will scream until we let her free range. This chickens personality is as crazy as her hairdo!
Pros: Great layers, sweet
Cons: boss hens,
My two little pullets are adorable and very playful. interesting white and gold coloring. Not sure how strong they are since one of our younger hens got sick and died. And The other got put in the stew pot because of how aggressive she was to the other hens! But these new pullets are friendly and I have a feeling they will be fantastic layers!
Pros: Talkative, friendly,
Cons: Bossy
Oh man! I love this breed probably because of my barred rock roo Chester. He is so sweet and loves his hens. He would never hurt the family but seems to be a guard rooster! puffs all up when strangers come near. He loves me and is gorgeous. Huge friendly eyes. As for the hens these ladies love to talk! They are also great layers.
Pros: Consistent layers, Somewhat friendly
Cons: Can be mean to other hens.
We have 4 australorps due to there great eggs. Regularly we get an egg a day from these girls. They were hand raised so they are pretty nice not the tamest i'll say. They are very noisy and love to talk, although they are always picking on others.
Pros: Beautiful coloring, small, pretty eggs, good layers
Cons: not broody, Not very friendly, easily spooked
We have two Ameraucana's and one that died. The first two very good layers but would not let anyone near them, she was bit by a widow and died, the next one we got was very pretty, silver laced but could not handle being in the coop with the other laying hens. at laying age she could not handle getting picked on and tried killing herself multiple times. Shes been living with the silkies, and even hand raised she hates people. very good layers and gorgeous but not calm, and get spooked very easily.
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