Reviews by blondiebee181


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Pros: Sweet, fluffy and cute....lays sweet little brown eggs
Cons: My Bantam has fits of broodiness quite often...gets picked on by my standard-sized girls...feet can get dirty.
I have a Buff Bantam Cochin who was given to me...she is a sweet, active, and bubbly little bird but she is a little daft....she gets picked on by my standard sized girls and goes into "broody mode" frequently...I keep egg layers mostly so I would tend not to get a Cochin again for that reason alone, but I love her fluffy plumage and her feet, although they tend to get dirty...her little eggs are SUPER adorable too.

Pros: Sweet, non-aggressive, friendly, funny to watch, animated
Cons: Can be noisy, but this could be typical of most female ducks
As everyone will say about Indian Runners, their upright stance is one of their most desirable and comical trait. They look like little bowling pins with feet! I got 2 little females from Metzer Farms. I had a great experience with them and they shipped healthy and happy. I think ducks have great personalities, very different from chickens. It's nice to have them as a variety. Runners are supposedly good layers, mine are not old enough yet though egg production is why I bought them. Many people say Runners are more skittish than other ducks, but I wouldn't attest to that necessarily, and mine imprinted on me so I'm sure that's part of it. They are very sweet and friendly and love to eat treats from my hand.
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Pros: Gorgeous plumage, very calm, not aggressive, good forager
Cons: Haven't seen any yet
Silver is my new Silver Laced Wyandotte and I got her for free from an old family friend of ours who had two hens and one died, and she thought silver would be happier with the companionship of my younger pullets. She is about 6 years old and they are about 3 1/2 months. I let them in the yard together and they all took turns coming up and getting aquainted. I seperated Silver off with a bit of chicken wire when I put them back in the run for a while. That evening all seemed okay so we took down the seperator and let her in with the others and she did fine. I was amazed at how calm she was, and that night she went into the coop with my other girls and was totally fine. She is an older bird, and her laying is starting to decline, but her previous owner says she does still get eggs from her so I will be excited when she settles in enough to lay one. She is a beautiful addition to my already colorful flock! She is big too, with a fat feathery backside, she's so funny when she gallops across the yard.
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Pros: Friendly with chickens and humans, good layer
Cons: A fairly large duck
Purchased my (what I hope is a girl) with the hens about 8 weeks ago at the feed store. Guy told me she was an Indian Runner, oops. Turns out, I think she is a White Campbell. She is a fairly large duck with pretty white plumage. The chickens adore her and folllow her everywhere. I hope she will stay a she, no curls yet...and lay good eggs. She has a great personality and is friendly with the other birds and humans. She isn't crazy about being caught, but likes to be stroked and takes naps in my lap. Her favorite treat is Spinach and meal worms.
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Pros: Slender, beautiful white bird with pretty plumage. Great layer, firendly with other birds and humans.
Cons: Slim, not a good meat bird. Noisy.
Great personality and very friendly, Daisy is the leader of my 4-hen flock. She is a slender, dainty white bird with beautiful feathers. Her tail is the biggest of my other breeds. She is always first to greet me when I come outside to see them, or to give them treats. Contrary to most of what I have heard about Leghorns, she is the friendliest of my girls and is pretty good about being caught and held. Her favorite treat is yogurt! I do have to amend now that she is older, she is managing to squeak out the largest AAA size double yolkers I've ever seen. I have no idea how this little petite bird does it. She is pretty noisy though especially in the morning when she wants out, so if you want quiet girls to satiate your neighbors, maybe not leghorns.
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Pros: Very curious and adventurous, great personality, good layer
When I brought the birds home , she was the first to get a name....Xena, after the warrior princess. Ever since she was a chick, she was always looking for the next best place to fly, the newest corner to investigate. She is fairly aggressive, but not mean with the other birds.She is number two in the pecking order. She has always been okay with being held,all of my hens are hand trained, but when I pick her up she always shrieks as though I am murdering her, " Unhand me, you foul curr!!!" she says. A wonderful addition to the flock!
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Pros: Docile bird, good layer, Pretty plumage
Cons: Somewhat aggressive
My red girl, Ginger, has always been patient enough to be held, but she does squirm and has pooed on me twice! I suspect in revenge. She is a good layer and fairly quiet and gets along well enough with the other chickens. She is 4th in the pecking order. BUT, she chases my poor ducks for no reason and loves to hover over their food even if she's not hungry. She's gotten to be a brat. We've nicknamed her "Crockpot" because of all the times we threaten to cook her. I suspect it's just her, because all my other chickens are very sweet and pretty much accept the ducks. They got their dominance established and pretty much let them alone. I also hear so many good things about other people with RIRs....oh well.
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Pros: Pretty bird. Consistent layer.
Cons: The one I have is frankly kinda dumb, and pretty skittish contrary to most of what I've heard.
My girl, Petrie, I bought along with 3 other hens and a duck back in March and she was by far the strangest. She was also the hardest to name because her personality has always been sort of blah. They are 7 weeks now and she is still the most skittish. She is also polite way to put it...dumb as a post. While the other hens and the duck know when it's time to go into the run at the end of the day, and where the door is, she will continue to run back and forth past the door looking through the fence and cheeping. Until I finally get fed up with her, catch her and throw her in :p She is a pretty bird, and good at seeing off predators (and by predators I mean the doves, quail and other backyard birds)
Now that she has grown a bit, she is the bottom chicken of the pecking order and still sort of a mindless git, but she is sooo cute and fat and fun to watch bumbling about her business. She lays nice light brown eggs. Friendlier now too, especially since it's so easy to pick up a squatting hen.
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