Reviews by Blackberry18


Super Admin
Pros: Excellent layers, beautiful, entertaining, hardy, very social and friendly
Cons: Very skittish, demanding, not always good winter layers, combs can get frostbit, WAY too clever, REALLY good fliers
I got my first six White Leghorn pullets about a year and a half ago. I never really wanted them, because I sell my eggs and some people are skeptical towards organic white eggs. But, I happened to be in a store one day where they were selling a selection of breeds, and just decided to get a few Leghorn chicks. I'm super glad I did! Despite some people saying that they are not friendly at all, this can be overcome by handling and getting attached to them as chicks. Mine follow me everywhere, jump on my lap and shoulders, and come when I call them. I love their long tails, and the white plumage is beautiful. Each bird has their own unique personality, likes and dislikes, and are so fun to watch. On top of this, I get tons of large white eggs everyday. Although many say Leghorns are not cold-hardy, I disagree. I live in Minnesota, where it gets down to - 7 degrees Fahrenheit and below, and they are fine (though not laying
). It's true that their combs can get frostbit, as I mentioned in Cons, but I usually put Vaseline on once in a while to treat and prevent it. They are, however, very skittish about everything. If I set down a bucket to hard and it makes a lot of noise, they go flying every which way. They are extremely insistent, always getting jealous and curious, pecking at me all the time. They are also extremely smart. This almost a pro, but they can cause a lot of trouble! Mine, for example, always were getting out of the pen. One even spent a night in the woods (probably in a tree), scaring me half to death! They were only a few months old at the time, not even full-grown. I practically had to spy on them to figure out how they were escaping. Turns out, there was a small, practically invisible hole in the netting that they were flying out of, then walking along the wooden frame and jumping down. I was surprised they could even reach that high. That's another thing, Leghorns can fly.

Overall, they are probably one of the best breeds in my opinion. It's not like have a calm, docile Cochin or Brahma, but they act more like your way-too-smart best friend.
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