Reviews by bilsie


Super Admin
Pros: I never have to feed them, they forage well bag of scratch lasts months excellent duckling sitters
Cons: Escape artists Get noisy when the cat walks by.
We have had our Buffs for just over 2 years their production is good. Hearty birds they can handle the winter well and keep laying. Come when they are called keep the garden clean of bugs, not party animals ( they go to bed at night ) not like the ducks who stay up till they get locked in. An all round good looking , good laying , good foraging, happy (spoiled) chicken. Whats not to like about a Orpington Buff or otherwise.
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Pros: Had mine over 2 years have yet to change the battery works great on factory settings and in all weather. Free shipping on ebay
Cons: Have to get it from Canada or on ebay.
AXT VSBb automatic chicken door is easy to install about 15 min. Works great batteries last a long time can use with plywood door or comes with an aluminum door. Mine has never failed and I have never lost a chicken to coons, mink, or anything else.
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