Reviews by Bettacreek


Super Admin
Pros: Egg laying machine, small
Mine are production whites. The roosters (2 of them) have never been people aggressive, but they HAVE chased a bear off of the property. Then proceeded to tell me how stupid I was for investigating the field where it came and went (the one was gently nipping at my pants leg and keeping himself between me and where the bear had gone), trying to get me to go back to the safety of the house. The hens are tiny, the smallest birds we have here, but they are dominant. They will peck at the other, much larger birds (pekin ducks, cornish cross hennies and even the turkey tom), but they aren't aggressive, just assertive. They handle new chicks well, when they are integrated into the flock. After the second year of laying, they do lay massive eggs, which customers have called "dinosaur eggs".

Wild Eastern

Super Admin
Pros: Easy to sell, beautiful plumage
Cons: Permits, flighty
I bought some awhile back and HATED them immediately. They were nasty little buggers. Just trying to catch one for wing clipping, I was whacked upside the head (don't underestimate how much that can hurt!) and my face was scratched, right across my eye. Then, they escaped and took off. There was another breed of turkey raised along with them, which was fine, friendly and personable, so it wasn't that these were raised incorrectly. I will NEVER get these again and they almost turned my boyfriend off from letting me get any other turkeys!
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