Reviews by Beth K.


Super Admin
Pros: beautiful, excellent layers, love my roo
Cons: aloof
These are my professional layers. They lay pretty much an egg a day, although they're not particularly cuddly. My rooster, Gregory Peck, takes his job seriously. He is alert and notices everything--especially hawks. He takes good care of the girls and finds them tasty things to eat. He also crows beautifully. Gregory actually takes cuddles better than the Aussie hens.

Thumbs up for the Australorps!

(Not sure on the purchase date, so I put in the shipping date.)
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Pros: Good layers, friendly, unique personalities
Cons: Some are grumpy
Oh my, these birds are varied. First, there is Sabrina. She is a large, docile hen and was the first to lay an egg. Klutzy (aptly named) is my puppy chicken. Cranky and Flopsy are on the grumpy side (I think they're bluffing) but they lay regularly. Moose is gorgeous and makes the most feminine little coos.

These are beautiful, friendly, personality-filled birds. They reliably lay gorgeous brown eggs.
Thank you Cackle Hatchery!
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Super Admin
Pros: Sweet, fluffy, reliable egg layers
Cons: My rooster is kind of bratty
I love my Orpingtons! The girls are so pretty--and they're all sweet! My roo, Chunky, can be kind of bratty but is mainly just a ball of fluffy bravado. They lay light brown eggs that are good sized. My girls are only ~7 months old so they are crankin' out the hen-fruit.

I got them from Cackle Hatchery and have no complaints.
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