Reviews by Beekissed


Super Admin
Pros: Docile and pretty...the training wheel of chicken breeds, pet quality.
Cons: Too docile, not feed thrifty, average layer, not hardy, reproductive issues, not good on free range
Though pretty and sweet, the breed isn't much good for a utility flock of chickens. They eat too much and forage too little. Their propensity to overeat causes fat collection near the vent which often results in reproductive issues and poor laying performance.

They tend to be the only chickens in the flock with bare backs because they are either too fat to avoid the rooster or they are too docile and drop to be mated every time he passes by.

Too slow and docile to be good out on free range, they are always the last to make it to cover when the alarm is called and are rarely wary enough to notice danger on their own in a timely fashion.

Due to their reproductive issues and overeating, they tend to be not as hardy as other heritage breeds.

I wouldn't have another in my flocks. Though pretty, they just don't justify their feed usage.
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Super Admin
Pros: Great and consistent laying, longevity of lay, healthy and hardy, feed thrifty, broody enough, good mothering, sweet personality, meaty build.
Cons: None whatsoever.
Along with the White Rock, this ties for all time favorite chicken breed. You don't really have a flock unless you've included the Black Austrolorp in it...just my own personal thought!
These birds have everything you could ever want in a dual purpose breed, coupled with sweet and quirky personalities. Beautiful to look upon, lives and lays for many years, hardy to the max. Good use of feed and forages well, with good survival instincts on free range.
Pros: Voracious foragers, tough as nails, develop quickly and have the deepest muscling.
Cons: They come from the hatchery needing some probiotics in their systems.
I've raised two batches of the CX and are incredibly impressed with their foraging abilities, their activity levels and their tough nature. These birds can get an injury and brush it off like it never happened. Heal up so fast and well that you can't tell who was injured, even when doing the processing later.

They have a great feed conversion and I've never lost one to unexplained death. They will range farther and forage longer than any breed of chicken I've ever raised..sunup to sundown out on pasture and in the woodland.

They do well on fermented feed and full free range. Grew them slow, used fermented layer mash and whole grains. Healthy chickens that fill the freezer like no other breed. Can't say enough positive things about this breed.
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