Reviews by beausonge


Super Admin
Pros: Super vigilant,takes CARE of his girls, LOVE his beautiful crowing.
Cons: BIG boy with very small wings - i.e. he can't fly.
"Mystery" was my mystery chick from McMurrays last year. He has turned out to be a stunning Patridge LF Cochin rooster. He has the most beautiful crow that I love to hear. He is always looking out for his girls - calling them to an extra tasty plant, and constantly looking upward for predators. He especially dislikes the occasinal helicopters that fly over our place. He also seems to be the weatherman - sharply calling them in to shelter right before a clous burst. He can be agreesive if he feels something is threatening his girls. Otherwse he is pretty mellow.
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Pros: Beautiful egg color, good forager, excellent almost daily layer
Cons: Nervous, eggs on the amall size
Last year I got just one Easter Egger. She laid all through the winter, almost daily. Sadly, something got her when she wandered near heavy cover on our property. I now have 4 pullets up and coming. They are 3 months old so hopefully I'll see some eggs in July. These pullets are great foragers. My older rooster is doing a great job chasing them away from the woods where danger lies. These pullets are flighty but that is o.k with me. I can't wait to see what color their eggs will be.
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