Reviews by BaaKaaawk


Pros: Bright Plumes ranging from orange and black to grey and tan. Pretty eggs ranging from pastel blue to green.
Cons: If your coop/run are not sealed they will find a way out. When they find a way out, they will start roosting in nearby trees, which usually ends badly.
I'm reviewing because I like this breed and want to share some info. If you want blue and green eggs along with a cool bearded bird... this is a great pick for you. Just make sure your run / coop is well sealed. If you let your birds free range and you have trees nearby, there's a good chance you will find them in there roosting at night, which of course can be very dangerous for predation. Rarely in my experience are Americaunas "friendly" or "tame", more often they are rather wild and flighty. I've had many of this breed though and there are a few general colors, but they're all a little different. Really fun to have them in the flock and they have such a hawk-ish look about them.
Purchase Price
Around $6 at Farm Stores
Purchase Date
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