Reviews by AraucanaAnnie


Pros: Sweet, fast, pretty, friendly, outgoing
Cons: Can be a bit hard to catch
Well, I just got my 2 speckled sussex yesterday, so this review is subject to change! So far, I love my sweet little Basil and Dot! Basil is quite a lot smaller than Dot but has enough personality for a full grown hen! They like to tear around the brooder, peeping crazily. But once I catch them, they sit in my hand very calmly. I can't wait for them to grow in those beautiful speckled feathers!
Here is a picture of Basil:

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Pros: Incredibly sweet, seem hardy, gorgeous, very gentle, feathery legs
Cons: Those feathery legs can be hard to keep clean!
So far, I love my new brahma chicks! I got 2 yesterday, a buff and a dark. The buff (Gwynnevere) is the sweetest thing and sleeps in my lap! The dark (Ember) is also very nice but I'm trying not to get too attached as she is a foster chick! They are very smart, brave little chicks. The dark was the first to figure out how to use the chick feeder, shortly followed by the buff. I would get more in a heartbeat!
Here is a picture of Gwynn:

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Pros: awesome breed profiling!
Cons: more theoretical then practical
This is a nice book! The breed profiles are wonderful! It is (as others have said) British oriented and more about enjoying chickens than raising them!
Pros: awesome pictures, fun recipes...
Cons: none so far...
I haven't tried any of these recipes yet, but they look great! The pictures are nice because rather than just being store bought brown or white eggs, they have photos of green and blue ones, as well as the hens themselves!
Pros: nice showing piece, good pictures...
Cons: a bit brief
This is a nice, beginners guide to raising chickens. It has amazing photos and many chapters. A basic book, but nonetheless a great one!
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Pros: Detailed, wide range of topics, cool projects...
Cons: no breed profiles
I love this book! It has tons of details. I made a chicken saddle using the instructions in the book, and it worked great! It is easy to understand but also packed with information! I do wish it had breed profiles though. All in all, a must have!
Pros: Nice size, looks good, nice features
Cons: difficult to put roost in
This is a great coop. I have the extended Alexandria with the bump-out and the 9 foot run. The chooks seem to like it, and lay in the nests. They quickly ate all the grass in the run, so they go outside a couple times a day. A really good coop so far!!


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I want one really bad! They are amazing!
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Pros: Pretty, cool combs,
Cons: Flighty, not hardy, not many eggs for a Mediterranean,
I had 2 for one day. They were chicks and died right away. I was not very pleased with their hardiness, and after doing research, I found they were flighty, not good layers, and the only good thing was their looks. I may try again later with an adult hen, but probably not.
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Pros: All colors, puffy cheeks, rainbow eggs, friendly, smart
Cons: Easily bullied... :(
I love my ees! They are smart and friendly and will hopefully lay pretty eggs, mine are 14 weeks. I love their cheeks and their tiny combs, they look like hawks :). Great!!
Edit: 10 months old now and an update! One of my girls lays pretty green eggs every day, and the other laid her first blue one since molting this morning! Unfortunately, both of my girls are easily bullied, especially by my BA, and are missing feathers. They have sweet personalities and one tries to follow me into the house! :p


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Pros: Nice black feathers, friendly, hardy, huge eggs
Cons: Kind of skittish as a chick, bullies the others
I have one. She (Hopefully a she) is such a nice shade of black and is calming down nicely. I love her!!
Edited: She has reached laying age! Her eggs are HUGE with calcium deposited all over. Usually double yolks! However, this fall she nearly killed one of my EE's by pecking her. She is violent and bossy, but friendly to humans. I don't know if I would get more.
Pros: Calm, fast, pretty, good layers, hardy, VERY FRIENDLY!
Cons: fast
I have two and they are awesome. Calm and very pretty. Wonderful birds!
Edit: They have reached laying, and laying they are! One lays every day and the other does nearly every day. I would get more in a heartbeat! They are curious and friendly!
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Pros: Pretty, small, friendly, nice color, good for show!
Cons: Not very hardy as a chick, but mine was shipped through the march tornadoes
I love my japanese! She (I think it's a she) is very sweet, all white and fairly calm. I think she has short legs, so am going to show her!

They come in tons of colors, too, and are quite small.

This is my favorite breed of bantam!

Edit: Never mind, long legs! Mine used to lay eggs every day, but hasn't laid now for months...
She is REALLY tiny (like serama tiny) but is tough. She is tough to catch but calms down quickly. All in all a sweet, quiet girl!
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