Reviews by Angiebubs


Super Admin
Pros: Friendly, quirky, beautiful, sweet personality, good cold weather layer
Cons: Beard/muff/feet can get dirty/wet
I absolutely love this breed!! I have had over 15 breeds to date and these are at the top of my list!!! (Orpingtons, Cochins, and Easter Eggers are all a close 2nd)

I started out with one hatchery Faverolles, and have continued to add to my flock. I am considering breeding these come spring.

Note: There is a major difference in personality, coloring, laying, etc between standard hatchery stock and breeder/show quality stock (more so than other breeds of chickens)
Pros: Easy to clean, no bacteria, hens prefer these over wood
I started out with a 4 box wood box-was way to small for my Orpingtons. Next I bought one of those open wood boxes, the hens didn't care for this either. As soon as I added two of these, they abandoned the old boxes and stood in line for these. I now have 6 of these. Easy to clean, plenty of privacy, and easy to remove to clean out. Also, if an egg accidently breaks, you don't have to worry about bacteria growth like you do with wood.
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Pros: Works great even in -20 temps
This worked very well with my 5 gal metal waterer. No issues even with -20 degree weather.
Pros: Easy to fill, never froze, no leaks/spilling
Cons: Can't see water level
This has been a lifesaver, living in the midwest. Last year we used the heated plastic waterer and it was a source of constant frustration. I dreaded changing it out every time. It seemed that more times than not, the base would come loose and water would spill all over the coop, requiring removal of bedding and fresh shavings to be put down.

This year, we bought this with the heated base-what a difference! It is easy to carry to the pump, fill and set back up-with OUT ever having water spill everywhere in the coop!

Temps reached -20 and never had issues with it freezing either.
Pros: Informative and great reference book
Of the dozen or so books i have purchased on chickens, this is the only one I go back to over and over again! Very informational with lots of great references for further information as needed. Good for beginners or those more experienced.
Pros: gentle calm sweet dispositions
I have raised Day 1's (3 roo's and 1 pullet) and the pullet is the calmest sweetest girl in my coop! The boys are gentle as well-although have begun some agression towards each other when mating....otherwise they preen each other and are buddies.
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