Reviews by AmyLM


Super Admin
Pros: she was unique looking....sweet personality
Cons: no bowl control at all and required constant bathing, non layer, hip problems, and she died young (1 year)
I had a small tufted black rumpless. She was a constant mess on her back end to the point it was really gross. She had to be bathed at least once a week, even in winter, because her rear end was constantly coated was poo that just ran down her backside. She couldn't lay (which was probably a good thing for her sake). She was sweet and calm but very delicate and had a great deal of heath issues. Her hips were bad so she walked funny and when a roo tried to mount her shed screach and try to get away and would limp badly afterwards. She dropped dead suddenly and with no obvious cause at 11 months old. Personally after my experiences with her I will never have another rumpless again. Granted her problems were probably worse than most but people should be aware of the possible health issues they can havr before getting one.
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