
American Bresse

The American Bresse originated in Bresse, France. They have been imported directly from France, but due to labeling legality concerns they are marketed as American Bresse.
Pros: They are chickens. Great mothers.
Cons: Not enough branches in their family tree.
The Bresse hen is a great mother from my experience. The bird taste like any other chicken unless you finish them like the French do, but then any breed would taste like that if you finished any breed the way the French do - surprise! Duh!
Since they are hoarded by the French their bloodline here is poor at best and GFF as the monopoly here in N America isn’t helping matters for this breed. The birds die quickly because they are genetically inferior, which is due to incapable suppliers.
If you want a good Bresse flock, go to Bresse France and get your own fertile eggs from a variety of farmers and fly home, stick them under a good broody hen or throw them in a detestable incubator and cross your fingers. Good luck.
I got my chicks from Bresse Farms in Mississippi. On 9/21/2023. I also got a Roo and a Hen from a lady already grown that were born December 2023. Hen lays Medium to large cream eggs. Waiting to see how they all do. Any suggestions on feed and care?
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