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  • My chicken has an area Protruding and bleeding from its behind. It popped up overnight. Not sure if anyone knows what the problem is or any suggestions on how to fix it...please help.....
    my chicken is ill.sleeping all the day.eyes closed.chicken comb is turning black from red.wouldn't eat and drink.need first aid help.this is a scorching month in india.heat stress is high.
    Please HELP!! I purchased 2, day old golden pheasant chicks 4wks ago from someone. A week later I purchased 2 more, day old golden pheasants from the same person. They are 4 and 5 wks old now. They were doing fine but then suddenly 2 days ago one of them became sick. It was standing upright but could not lift it's head from the floor. It's head was cocked to one side. It died. Today we found another dead and still another looks sick. It has one eye swollen shut. Can anyone please give me an idea what this could be??!!
    Hi, My husband and I are new to raising chickens. Our chicks are about 7 weeks old. They were at the point where they were in their run during the day and in the coop at night. Very happy and very social. We were gone for the day this weekend and we lost 4 of the 6 to some type of predator. Not certain what since we live on a very rural parcel of land. We would like to add to the remaining flock. Are there any suggestions on how to introduce new chicks at or about the same age? Or would it be better to get older hens. We believe we have remedied the problem to our coop and run. Any advice to newbie would be welcomed Thank you
    Hi! I have a duck with an injured leg. Her leg seems to be swollen where her foot and leg come together. She is currently not using it. What can I do for her? She tries to move the leg but wont get up on it. She was and was limping on it and now she has just given up. I have her in a small cage right now. Any help would be nice. Thank you.
    Hi! I have a sick female turkey. She has not eaten much since she hatched her eggs. Now she is having a hard time breathing, only breathes through her mouth. She is loosing all of her tail feathers and feathers on her legs. Has anyone else ever experienced this?
    hi i am new to hens and chicks, i have 3 bantams started to hatch egg in a seperet hutch what do i do to feed chicks
    Serious problem here! My chickens LOVE eat my hostas. Short of putting a fence around all my flower gardens, any idea on how to stop them? Are they missing something that I could feed them? Gloriajl
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