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  • I showed My friend this site and she hated it she said it is way to complicated and yes it is for beginners on the site. And for some reason when she came on the site it was very very slow at loading she kept the computer on all night and in the morning it was still loading !!!
    Sorry about the SPAM thing. We are trying to get to 3,000 pages on that thread. I won't post 1 over and over again anymore. Thanks for the reminder!
    Hi Rob, I know alot of us have been having problems getting use to the new BYC, in my case i don't know that much about computers to start with so it's very hard for me to learn new things when it comes to them, but today I learned to post a picture from my uploads on BYC so maybe tomorrow I'll learn something else, Thank you for all your hard work along with everyone else who has made BYC what it is, One great place to hang out with friend and also to learn so much. Ya'll are the Greatest.
    Hey Rob- I just want to thank you for all the hard work and having byc, i have learned a tremendous amount- and you have enriched many lives- don't let folks whining get ya down- appreciate you!!! Keep on with what you can, lots of folks are behind you...
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