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  • Excuse me, I'm just asking you a huge favor I'm not being rude but can you take down the Feathered Friends Club tag? The people who are part of this club didn't ask you to be a part of this club and so if it's put up, people are going to think that you're in this club, which you aren't, I apologize. Love your turkeys on your profile picture by the way.
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    Reactions: AmeraucanaHank
    They're my feathered friends, so I didn't think it would make so many people upset that I just wanted to show my new look on life :(

    I would have fixed it earlier, but I was busy at work today and didn't really have time to do anything on here once I got home thanks to the snow, plus I'm still figuring the tags out since I've never used them before now.
    I wasn't trying to be annoying or immature, I thought it would be a fun thing to try out.
    Thank you, Jacin!
    I'd probably make the same mistake if I didn't know about it.
    Check the Extra PM.
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    Reactions: JacinLarkwell
    PM is private group chat thing. Not a public thread. It filled up the day it was started. There is a limited number of people that can be in one group PM.
    Tags don't work in PMs either and I needed @JacinLarkwell 's attention to quickly which is why I posted here.
    I know what a PM is. It's was a joke. I just found it funny that y'all have two different PMs. Sorry, I wasn't clear.
    hi! do you know alot about chickens?
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