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  • Hi there! I've seen you post and love the picture of your black tailed roo! I'm hoping to get some black tailed chicks or eggs in the future. Have you found the black tailed bantams to be friendly?
    I have a roo and a hen from ideal poultry. The hatched 3 healthy babies recently. I did not handle any of them much. The female is still docile and at the bottom of the pecking order. The male is fiesty in an adorable sort of way. He is aggressive around the other roos, so he gets his own fenced run and ladies. He is never aggressive toward me, though. I handle his girls and he keeps a respectful distance.
    The roo doesn't fuss much when I pick him up either. I think they are a good choice for someone who wants friendly little birds.
    I read a comment you made, that you used big pine bark in your run. I just purchased some today because we have had so much rain with no end in sight! I didn't want to buy a fine mulch because that would just get soggy. But I was surprised on how big the chips are! My question: Will these big chips be okay on their feet? I wanted to know if you ever had any issues using pine bark?
    I haven't had any issues. I also was concerned when I added new mulch this year, because the chips seemed even bigger than usual and now I have bantams in that pen. My concern was that they could twist/strain their feet, or that it could be uncomfortable. It has been in there since mid July and I haven't notoced any problems. After they walked on the chips some, they packed down to form a more even surface.
    They seem happy and the mud is gone. They still scratch and turn over the mulch and it needs raked back up the hill periodically. I once had guineas with bumblefoot from pacing in a muddy run. I want to avoid that. But, I am not sure if the big mulch could cause a foot issue.
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