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  • Nicky, what a nice surprise to see you here! Hope you've been well and that you'll make an appearance more often :hugs
    Thanks. :hugsIt's been a crazy year and being an essential worker keeps me pretty busy. But I will definitely try to be more active on here. I hope you're well and staying safe out there.
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    Reactions: N F C
    Hey! Just wanted to stop and say hi. I miss rping with you and the others, it was always a highlight of my day.
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    Reactions: NickyKnack
    Hey, good to hear from you again. I hope you're doing well. I also enjoyed our times rping. It seems so long ago. But time flies most days. I hope you're staying safe in this madness of our current our world.
    Americano Blue
    Americano Blue
    So far so good! I hope you are safe and healthy as well!!
    Wow, it's been a long time since I've been here on BYC. Well, I've kind of returned, and decided to come over and say hi. It's been forever, I hope everything has been going well for you.
    Yes, it has been quite a while. Everything has been good my way. Glad to see you have returned. Lol! Had to do a double take at your new username. Hope life is treating you good Anna. :)
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    Reactions: 313759
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