Recent content by Willow2253

  1. Willow2253

    The Authentic Scavenger Hunt

    Here’s a ceramic flock I made Next, an animal other than a chicken that comes from an egg (bonus points for creativity)
  2. Willow2253

    The Authentic Scavenger Hunt

    Oh, I’ve got this one! I was recently in Hawaii. Not the best photo but somehow the best I took considering they were everywhere. Next: a friendly rooster
  3. Willow2253

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Just 2 eggs today. I’m fighting with 2 broodies now, at least one of them actually laid an egg today. Nests are closed for the night so we’ll see how they do at bedtime.
  4. Willow2253

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    4 out of probably 6 laying. You’ll never guess what ANOTHER one of my hens decided to do. If you said go broody, you’d be correct! The third broody in 10 days.
  5. Willow2253

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    5 out of 6 today, but now my darn cuckoo marans is going broody! It’s possible the 6th girl will still lay today but I closed off the nest boxes early to keep the cuckoo out.
  6. Willow2253

    Broken toenail

    My hen did recover from the toenail, though unfortunately she recently passed from an illness.
  7. Willow2253

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    3 out of 6 today.
  8. Willow2253

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    6 out of 6 before noon!
  9. Willow2253

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Just 2 today. My two Easter eggers are doing really well, everyone else is slacking a little.
  10. Willow2253

    Ideas for deterring dog from licking wound?

    It appears we have a winner! It’s still on after leaving her alone all night!
  11. Willow2253

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    3 today. I had to leave the chickens in the pen this morning instead of letting them free range so I could run to town so they weren’t very happy.
  12. Willow2253

    Ideas for deterring dog from licking wound?

    I found some of that self adhering wrap stuff that’s made for dogs that chew, it’s supposed to taste bad to deter them. I also got some no chew spray to try as well.
  13. Willow2253

    Ideas for deterring dog from licking wound?

    Well that didn’t work as well as I had hoped. I’m going to town today, I’ll grab a few different things to try that we don’t have here.
  14. Willow2253

    Ideas for deterring dog from licking wound?

    She doesn’t seem to know what to think but the sock is working
  15. Willow2253

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    I’d call that 5 out of 7 then. Makes your ratio look better.
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