Recent content by tnspursfan09

  1. tnspursfan09

    The Old Folks Home

    Thank you so much! Maddy is so cute as Hermione, and I really wanted to post them.
  2. tnspursfan09

    The Old Folks Home

    (Passes diva the plate of white chocolate macadamia nut cookies)
  3. tnspursfan09

    The Old Folks Home

    Lol bama. Better behave. I'm heading your way the 15th. I'm spending thanksgiving with family in Wetumpka and Eclectic. Leaving for Arkansas on the 4th to my Aunt's and driving with her to Tulsa for my little brother's for his anniversary on the 7th. Gonna miss Maddy while I'm gone, but I...
  4. tnspursfan09

    The Old Folks Home

    I use my iPhone for everything now. We all have one and it's great for sharing all our stuff back and forth. Grocery lists, app cards like Dunkin Donuts, Apple Pay, etc. if I'm out shopping DH can just send money to my phone if I need it.
  5. tnspursfan09

    The Old Folks Home

    My iPhone is my computer. Maybe Cheryl can screenshot them and post them. All I get is a grey bar that says cancel. Never had this problem before. May have to reinstall BYC.
  6. tnspursfan09

    The Old Folks Home

    I wanted to post pics of Maddy's costume but I'm having problems with my phone. She was Hermione. DH was Hagrid. I did not dress up. Stayed home and made sure they had hot soup and cocoa waiting when they got home.
  7. tnspursfan09

    The Old Folks Home

    She's growing up so fast! February she'll be seven. I don't know how that can be when just yesterday she was four!
  8. tnspursfan09

    The Old Folks Home

    First ever school picture!
  9. tnspursfan09

    The Old Folks Home

    Not sure if this video will work...but I wanted to try. Maddy singing along with Frozen.
  10. tnspursfan09

    The Old Folks Home

    Wonderful news, Ron.
  11. tnspursfan09

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    My babies are nearly three months old now. I won't hatch any more till spring. This is Oreo Cookie Face. Named by my granddaughter. Pretty sure he's a rooster.
  12. tnspursfan09

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    I know they're not chicks, but these are my newest babies.
  13. tnspursfan09

    The Old Folks Home

    Maddy and I made lunch. We also realized how much fun it is to say "tostada!"
  14. tnspursfan09

    The Old Folks Home

    My grandmother always put old rusted nails in the soil around her hydrangeas to make them blue.
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