Recent content by TAMFAM

  1. T

    Organic chicken feed sources

    Yes we have Tractor Supply. Looks like the local retail stores are about as cheap as anything online. Thank you.
  2. T

    Organic chicken feed sources

    Sources or brands for economic organic chicken? I am new at this and getting my first flock of six baby chicks in a couple of weeks. I’m in Northwest Missouri and looks like Kalmbach it’s not available locally so might have to order something online. Thanks!
  3. T

    Heat plates

    Yes my coop is empty. Finishing up construction. Need to add roosting bars, add overhead light, automatic door opener and some brooder supplies. Thanks!!
  4. T

    Heat plates

    What kind of heat plates do you use? Thanks!
  5. T

    Heat plates

    I am in Northwest, Missouri, A new chicken farmer and I will be get six baby chicks in May. I was planning to get a heat plate for the brooder until the hatchery recommended a heat lamp. They said heat plates are not warm enough. I plan to put the brooder in a garage or backyard shed/coop. I...
  6. T

    Where to buy day old laying hens

    Looks like I waited too late to order checks for May without gambling and buying from a farm store
  7. T

    Where to buy day old laying hens

    Farm stores don’t guarantee no roosters
  8. T

    Where to buy day old laying hens

    Chicken scratch hatchery, appears to have a 10 chick minimum
  9. T

    Where to buy day old laying hens

    I am new at raising chickens. I want to buy 6 day old chicks in early May and I don’t want any roosters. I’m located in Northwest Missouri. What hatchery do you recommend that I mail order from? Thanks!
  10. T

    Chicken coop door question

    I am building an 8‘ x 8‘ walk in coop inside my shed. Has anybody ever used a metal storm door covered in hardware cloth for entry into the coop on the inside of the shed? I want the coop predator proof in case an animal gets inside the shed.
  11. T

    New member

    Thank you for all your comments! I’m working hard to try and build a coop and run and be ready hopefully by early spring so i can order some chicks.
  12. T

    New member

    Do the positives out weight the negatives when owning a few chickens? This would be a new journey for me, but I don’t want to get in over my head. Its not an easy decision.
  13. T

    New member

    Would you put hardware cloth on top of dirt floor to keep snakes and rodents out? Thanks so much!
  14. T

    Chicken coop floor

    Hello! I would like some advice on the floor in my 8‘ x 8‘chicken coop that I’m going to build inside my shed. The current floor of the shed is crushed gravel. I want to do the deep litter method on the ground. My concern is if the crushed gravel would be too dusty for the chickens to inhale. I...
  15. T

    New member

    Hello, I live in Missouri, and I am retired and looking to start raising chickens. I want to buy six baby chicks in the spring but I have lots to do before I get to that point. I am looking forward to learning more and starting my chicken journey. Thanks so much.
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