Recent content by Sunshineliz

  1. S

    Did one drake kill the other?

    They're Khaki Campbells. I thought they'd be too big for a hawk, but maybe one tried anyway and failed. I haven't seen anything recently, except for vultures but we see those all the time and they've never been a problem.
  2. S

    Did one drake kill the other?

    Wouldn't he have been hurt in more than just that spot then?
  3. S

    Did one drake kill the other?

    I had two drakes and that's it. No females. I hoped they'd get along well since they grew up together, but one started getting aggressive with the other recently and they just turned one year old. Well, the aggressive one has been trying to mount and mate the other, both in and out of the water...
  4. S

    Are drakes more aggressive in spring?

    They are the only ones I have and I know it's less than ideal but they've been together since babyhood (didn't know their sex then) and they didn't really have any problems before this. If she didn't want to mate she'd just shrug them off and get out of the pool. And I asked here and people said...
  5. S

    Are drakes more aggressive in spring?

    My two mallard drakes seem a little more aggressive lately. My Pekin girl is avoiding the pool and they're still bothering her. Yesterday my daughter said they were chasing the duck around the yard and pecking her and she was bleeding. I brought her inside and cleaned her up but the wounds...
  6. S

    What kind ducks are these?

    I dunno. Maybe. They're not even slightly afraid of humans that's for sure though. I was thinking about bringing the Swedish girl home since I'd like another girl, but it looks like she's really bonded with this male and I don't want to break them up (I really don't want another drake.) But all...
  7. S

    What kind ducks are these?

    It's a public pond. And it is a Southern state, but a more mid south one. Tennessee. There was one lone male muscovy for a long time and then suddenly one day in late summer/early fall there was a whole flock of them. I suppose they could be kind of wild but I've never heard of that in my state...
  8. S

    What kind ducks are these?

    They live at a local pond. There are plenty of mallards, a couple of Pekins, and someone must've dumped a whole flock of Muscovies here. But these two I have no idea. The male is as big as a Rouen but more muted in color. The female is black and white. Any ideas?
  9. S

    Duck missing a LOT of feathers how to keep warm

    Just a quick update! She's got her feathers back! At least the downy ones. She's back to hanging with her boys 24/7 and she's very happy about it. She's mostly avoiding the pool though, whether that's to avoid their amorous attentions or she just doesn't want to get too wet yet I don't know. And...
  10. S

    Duck missing a LOT of feathers how to keep warm

    Oh yeah she chatters up a storm at them. And quacks very loudly at them if they get too far away lol.
  11. S

    Duck missing a LOT of feathers how to keep warm

    She is much better! She got her stitches out on Monday and the vet says everything healed beautifully! She's got some feathers to still grow back but she was cleared to bathe and get dirty! 😁 She looks so much better now that she's clean! She can go outside and vet said not to worry about the...
  12. S

    Duck missing a LOT of feathers how to keep warm

    She had a sad day of not getting to go out because of the rain. I tried to let her out while there was a lull but she was starting to get muddy so I had to bring her in. She just kept quacking for her boys. 😞
  13. S

    Duck missing a LOT of feathers how to keep warm

    She had a checkup today and is healing nicely with no sign of infection. She can't get her stitches out until Monday. She REALLY misses bathing though. Especially since she's sticky from all the honey I had to slather on her back every day. It's been warm and dry enough to let her outside in her...
  14. S

    Duck missing a LOT of feathers how to keep warm

    She got to go out for a little bit today in her own fenced in area. The drakes were nearby in the pool (which she couldn't reach.) They were so excited to see each other. She really perked up. She also laid an egg this morning which she hasn't done since the attack so I think that's a good sign. 😊
  15. S

    Duck missing a LOT of feathers how to keep warm

    The other two are both drakes. Mallards. She misses them though. I brought one in to visit (supervised of course)but took him back out after a few minutes. She perked up and chatted with him. But I don't totally trust that he wouldn't peck at her.
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