Recent content by Stanpott

  1. S

    Hatching a found American Robin egg

    I suspect that you are just as "expert" as anyone else. Don't be discouraged by people that make it out to be a bad thing! I'm surprised the consensus seems to be that it will successfully hatched! That is really all you need to glean from the comments.
  2. S

    Hatching a found American Robin egg

    Licensed rehabber? You'd need to travel far to find one of those! It's a Robin, not a bald eagle, if she turns it over to fish and game it will just be a treat for the office cat.
  3. S

    Hatching a found American Robin egg

    Yes...I don't know if it is a good ideal. How do you care for it when it does hatch? I have watched Robins care for their babies. It looks easy, but maybe the Robins make it look easier than it is! Anyways, I don't know if it is a good idea or a bad one, but it is fascinating!
  4. S

    Day 21 Not Hatched

    Wow! That is pretty awesome! I am glad I was wrong! Why are they so late? Is it the breed? Aren't quail usually 18 days? But thank you for the update...I really love it when people give updates, and even more when it is a fantastic ending!
  5. S

    What is this?

    I think it is OK.
  6. S

    Water bed incubation

    I usually try to wait until the 504 hours have passed before I move the blanket. I grab out the dry chicks and the shells. In every hatch there are always a few that end up on top of the blanket. You will hear them because they get very distraught! I either tuck them back under or put them in...
  7. S

    Water bed incubation

    I did come up with a regime I'll test next year on my next hatch that varies a bit from the nigerian study, I'll post it if anyone is interested, however I should mention the biggest difference, last hatch I concluded that the right waterbed temperature for day 18 is 37.5 (not the 37). I used...
  8. S

    Day 21 Not Hatched

    That is late for quail, sorry, can't do much now but wait and see! Every egg that hatches is a small miracle, so really if anything hatches it is a good hatch, all you can do is try to do better next time, and you never know until it is over, maybe it will be a great hatch, maybe nuthatched is...
  9. S

    Water bed incubation

    How is it going so far? I kind of summarized what I have done that has worked reasonably well for me. I have only hatched chicken eggs. Interesting enough the instructions that come with these incubators actually call for a higher setting for quail than for chickens, and yet to me it seems like...
  10. S

    Water bed incubation

    I wrote this for some one I managed to interest in waterbed hatching. I tried to keep it brief, I'm not good at that! I have struggled to find a good set temperature for water bed hatching. The instructions they come with are just generic still air incubator instructions, but even in a still...
  11. S

    Power outage while incubating

    So many incubators are actually 12 volt and powered by an adapter. It is a great way to make a incubator universal. Some of them actually offer a cord you can plug in and clip to a car battery in case of a long outage, but most often they do not.
  12. S

    Water bed incubation

    Three years ago I bought a cheap waterbed incubator. Since then I have become such a big fan of water bed hatching! It is just so simple, dry hatch, no moving parts, just a heat pad, a thermostat, a bag of water in an insulated box! The temperatures are amazingly consistent, so since the eggs...
  13. S

    First hatch is staggered and we are unsure when to take out the first chicks

    I'd take them out, they'll be better off in the brooder, the others may or may not hatch, I feel like it is best to look after the chicks you know you have, but I know most will disagree with me and argue that chicks are fine in the incubator for three days!
  14. S

    baby chick with injured leg

    The worst part of a bad hatch isn't so much the disappointment of only a few hatching but more so that the chicks that do hatch are more likely to have issues! Spraddle leg is a common one and can usually be fixed...would it be spraddle leg?
  15. S

    baby chick with injured leg

    Look up "how to fix a slipped tendon" in a chick? I don't know for sure, but it kind of sounds like the issue.
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