Recent content by Soulsinabottle

  1. S

    What's Wrong with this Quail Egg?

    Not every odd egg is a virus issue. I had a few soft eggs like this when my jumbos just started laying, if it continues consult a vet but don't jump to "EVERY BIRD HAS TO DIE" please.
  2. S

    Anyone know what type of Quail these are??!

    My best guess is a wild type and a rosetta or some similar red gene on the bottom. Quail grow VERY fast so even 1 day makes a size difference
  3. S

    Do you have experience with NR360? I have some questions

    You could wrap a thick towel or small blanket around the incubator to help it hold it's heat better too. I have a borotto which hasn't seen many fluctuations but the motor is on the outside so that's probbably why.
  4. S

    Who's that Poke-! erm quail. what kinda quail do you think this is?

    the first and last pic look like tuxedos, the second looks like a wild, and third... maybe Egyptian? I'm new to this too so those are just my guesses.
  5. S


    They do have shelter, they have half the pen blocked from all weather and they are under a second story deck to further protect them. The storm was very intense. Even my dogs were on edge and they are usually chill during storms.
  6. S


    So last night we had a terrible thunderstorm, it was intense even though it was fairly short. About 15-20 min of lightning flying. I refilled the water shortly before the storm and everyone was doing good, starting to settle in for the night. This morning I went out and one of my biggest hens...
  7. S

    Delayed Coturnix hatching?

    I incubate my quail at 95.5 and raise it to 100 and 65-70% humidity on day 15. Usually have most if not all hatched by day 17.
  8. S

    What color are my quail chicks?

    Yeah. Mine are a mix of italian and manchurian golds. They are adorable.
  9. S

    What color are my quail chicks?

    Could be a golden. My golds look similiar
  10. S

    One oddly colored chick

    So they are all 7 weeks old. She is a hen and pretty as can be!
  11. S

    Second incubation went so well!

    So I ordered 25 gold mix chicks from MyShire and was hoping for 12-14 chicks since mailed eggs can be iffy. I ended up with 21 babies, not a single loss yet from them and they are now a week old. I'm so excited. I got these because they are said to be great layers. Now I'll have my jumbos for...
  12. S

    Quail feeder

    I cut some 1.5 inch holes in a tupperware and put the food in that. Works great for me.
  13. S

    Jumbo Coturnix quail for sale

    worst comes to worst at 4.5 weeks you're almost at the point where you could send them to freezer camp?
  14. S

    One of my male quail is more aggressive than the other male

    I would put all four hens with the nicer roo and remove the aggressive one from my stock. I have a strict "No blood" policy with animals I raise. If they are aggressive to the point of drawing blood I won't have them on my homestead. But that's just me.
  15. S

    One oddly colored chick

    I was just reading that so no telling yet.... i will have to just err on the side of hen safety and only put 1 roo in the cage with that one and its flock til I know for sure.
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