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  1. S

    What's Wrong with this Quail Egg?

    Not every odd egg is a virus issue. I had a few soft eggs like this when my jumbos just started laying, if it continues consult a vet but don't jump to "EVERY BIRD HAS TO DIE" please.
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    Anyone know what type of Quail these are??!

    My best guess is a wild type and a rosetta or some similar red gene on the bottom. Quail grow VERY fast so even 1 day makes a size difference
  3. S

    Do you have experience with NR360? I have some questions

    You could wrap a thick towel or small blanket around the incubator to help it hold it's heat better too. I have a borotto which hasn't seen many fluctuations but the motor is on the outside so that's probbably why.
  4. S

    Who's that Poke-! erm quail. what kinda quail do you think this is?

    the first and last pic look like tuxedos, the second looks like a wild, and third... maybe Egyptian? I'm new to this too so those are just my guesses.
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    They do have shelter, they have half the pen blocked from all weather and they are under a second story deck to further protect them. The storm was very intense. Even my dogs were on edge and they are usually chill during storms.
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    So last night we had a terrible thunderstorm, it was intense even though it was fairly short. About 15-20 min of lightning flying. I refilled the water shortly before the storm and everyone was doing good, starting to settle in for the night. This morning I went out and one of my biggest hens...
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    Delayed Coturnix hatching?

    I incubate my quail at 95.5 and raise it to 100 and 65-70% humidity on day 15. Usually have most if not all hatched by day 17.
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    What color are my quail chicks?

    Yeah. Mine are a mix of italian and manchurian golds. They are adorable.
  9. S

    What color are my quail chicks?

    Could be a golden. My golds look similiar
  10. S

    One oddly colored chick

    So they are all 7 weeks old. She is a hen and pretty as can be!
  11. S

    Second incubation went so well!

    So I ordered 25 gold mix chicks from MyShire and was hoping for 12-14 chicks since mailed eggs can be iffy. I ended up with 21 babies, not a single loss yet from them and they are now a week old. I'm so excited. I got these because they are said to be great layers. Now I'll have my jumbos for...
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    Quail feeder

    I cut some 1.5 inch holes in a tupperware and put the food in that. Works great for me.
  13. S

    Jumbo Coturnix quail for sale

    worst comes to worst at 4.5 weeks you're almost at the point where you could send them to freezer camp?
  14. S

    One of my male quail is more aggressive than the other male

    I would put all four hens with the nicer roo and remove the aggressive one from my stock. I have a strict "No blood" policy with animals I raise. If they are aggressive to the point of drawing blood I won't have them on my homestead. But that's just me.
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    One oddly colored chick

    I was just reading that so no telling yet.... i will have to just err on the side of hen safety and only put 1 roo in the cage with that one and its flock til I know for sure.
  16. S

    One oddly colored chick

    So now we know this one is pansy. Now the question is hen or roo? I am keeping it either way but it makes a difference for my ratios
  17. S

    Keeping Quail cool in the heat

    That's a good idea. If you have a sealer you could probably make sealed bags that you won't have to worry about them leaking. I have a vacuum sealer so maybe I'll make a few, it doesn't generally get very hot here in Maine, low 90s for a few days in the summer is the worst of it usually, but a...
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    One oddly colored chick

    So I got the jumbo mix from Myshire and while I got zero whites, sad day, I did get one chick that is vastly different in color from the rest which are wilds, white wings, or egyptians. Anyone have any idea on what color this one is? They are going on 3 weeks so I am starting to be able to tell...
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    Incubation time!

    FINAL COUNT! out of 50 eggs purchased I had 40 live chicks hatch, 3 didnt make it in total so I have 37 little babies.
  20. S

    Snowflake Bobwhite Incubation

    You could possibly use a small strip of cabinet shelf cover, the rubbery kind with all the tiny holes, in your turner to get the eggs to sit upright.
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