Recent content by Seffrina

  1. S

    Black chicken with yellow/gold on neck

    Thank you, I will have a look for a brown red rooster. I never knew that brown red was a colour type so I learnt something 🙂 The chooks have been mixed in together for years but I know there has never been a Brahma or Cochin in the flock. At least not a pure one. I used to have pure bantam buff...
  2. S

    Black chicken with yellow/gold on neck

    Over the years my chicken flock at my parents’ house has become quite mixed. But lately I’ve noticed that there are quite a few bantam hens that look like this one. This one is by far the nicest though. She is very pretty 🙂 She looks like a bantam wyandotte to me, but I don’t really know. I’ve...
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