PetKat Acres
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  • "Newbie" and still "Wing-In" it!
    PetKat Acres
    PetKat Acres
    Hi all, I am somewhat new to BYC and learning by the minute. Made the mistake of investing in a TSC Coop and knew almost within days it was a bad investment ( size and convenience of cleaning) just not what I really need or want! Kneeling and trying to reach into the Run is a nightmare to say the least.
    PetKat Acres
    PetKat Acres
    We started with 7 (presumably Hens) and are now down to 4 (3 Hens and 1 Roo). We have a Fox problem that sadly got my girls while out on free range. My Profile Pic is at my friends house where I housed my Horse Shane (look closely into the wooded area). We now have our own 3.5 Acres and he is at home with us with 2 more Horses, 2 Dogs, 2 Cats and now 4 Chickens. As I up load Pictures I will add to my post.
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