Recent content by outdoorzgirl

  1. outdoorzgirl

    My Toms are Obsessed with Me - Is this Normal Behavior?

    Yes, I believe I will try to find a couple more hens. What is unusual is that they really do not pay the hen any attention at all. They all hang together, but they never strut or show off around her. They must be saving their energy for me, because as soon as they see me it is non stop strutting...
  2. outdoorzgirl

    My Toms are Obsessed with Me - Is this Normal Behavior?

    They are quite the characters, aren't they??! I can have the worst day on earth, but they always make me smile and laugh with their antics. They gobble when they see me pull up in my car. And I have literally had them chase me down my driveway following after the car. It has definitely been a...
  3. outdoorzgirl

    My Toms are Obsessed with Me - Is this Normal Behavior?

    I bought my 4 Narragansetts at just 2 days old. They are now 6 months old. I ended up with 3 toms and 1 hen. My toms are so incredibly sweet to me. But they are obsessed with me. The dominant one has now started pecking on my glass door looking for me in the morning. They all hang around...
  4. outdoorzgirl


    Welcome to the forum!! I have 4 Narragansetts. I have had them since they were 2 days old. They are now going on 6 months old. They are the silliest, most fun creatures to have around. I bought mine strictly for pets. I would rather starve than eat mine ;) My house front and back is entirely...
  5. outdoorzgirl

    Muscovy Drake Trouble - Mating with my Chickens

    I have 2 Muscovy Drakes that I have raised since they were 3 weeks old. I was hoping for a mating pair, but that did not end up being the case. My favorite duck is now forcing himself on half my flock of chickens. This morning he was on my rooster and I am pretty sure he made contact with him...
  6. outdoorzgirl

    Need Help Sexing 3 Month Old Narragansett Turkeys.

    Awesome!!! I was hoping the last one would be female. I have another tom that was not in the picture. I have found the Toms to be the most friendly toward me. In fact, they are downright obsessed with me. I never realized how funny and personable turkeys could be. They actually get on my deck...
  7. outdoorzgirl

    Need Help Sexing 3 Month Old Narragansett Turkeys.

    I know for sure that one of the turkeys pictured is a tom. I believe I also have a hen, but I am unsure of one of them. I am including several pictures. In the first 2 pics, the tom is the closest to the hen house. I believe the one in the middle is possibly a hen? Definitely unsure of the last...
  8. outdoorzgirl

    Are Muscovy Ducks Lazy?

    Thanks everyone! I feel better. I was starting to get worried, even though they seem healthy and happy. I am a new to ducks, so I worry a lot. I guess kinda like if they were a newborn baby..which I have never had either, lol.. They are an absolute delight to have though. They love to snuggle on...
  9. outdoorzgirl

    Are Muscovy Ducks Lazy?

    I have two 7 week old baby muscovy ducks. They don't really walk around much, but prefer to lay down. I have seen them both run, so I don't think they have issue with their legs. They just seem lazy. They will walk a "very" short ways and then they both plop down and they both plop down at the...
  10. outdoorzgirl

    4 Week Old Baby Turkeys Fighting??

    I have 4 baby turkeys that turned 4 weeks old today. They are all very loving toward each other, but this morning 2 of them were fighting. I think they are both Toms. Both had their feathers pulled down toward the ground and one had his tail feathers completely spread. It was kinda funny to see...
  11. outdoorzgirl

    3 Week Old Turkey doing a Mating Dance???

    Great!! I was hoping to get a Tom. Now I am hoping the rest are hens ;)
  12. outdoorzgirl

    3 Week Old Turkey doing a Mating Dance???

    I have four 3 week old Narrangansett turkeys. I had them outside playing today since it is warm and one of the baby turkeys pulled their wing down and started dancing around the other ones. What was he/she doing? Does that mean it is a Tom. It looked just like some of the "dances" I have seen...
  13. outdoorzgirl

    The Tetra Tint thread.. (Photos, info) ❤

    Here is my Australian Shepherd Neko with his brood of Tetra Tints. I really think he believes he is a mama hen. He started protecting them from the minute I brought them home. He will not let any of my cats or older chickens get close to them.
  14. outdoorzgirl

    Baby Turkeys!! Breed Unimportant. Located in Lexington, NC

    I would like to buy a few baby turkeys. Breed is not very important to me since I want them only for pets. I am located in Lexington (Triad Area), North Carolina. I know I can buy them online, but I certainly do not need 20 baby turkeys, lol.
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