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  • Hi Alma
    Just wondering how your flock is doing as you don't seem to have updated in a while. Hoping you are not feeling too overwhelmed. I would be happy to offer any advice I can based on my own experience if you have particular questions or need support.
    Hi Alma
    I got your message concerning possible Marek's Disease in your flock. It would be VERY unlikely to wipe out your whole flock.... assuming it is indeed Marek's, but it depends on the strain you have.... some are more virulent than others. Have you started a post about the problems you are having as I can't find anything other than your message on my profile page.
    I know it can be a bit devastating at first and each bird you lose to it is of course heart breaking, but once you get over the initial diagnosis and learn more about it and how to manage it in your flock, it is not as terrible as most of what you read. Sadly chickens are prone to any number of illnesses and loss is unfortunately an integral part of chicken keeping, but there is much pleasure to be had from it too.
    Don't lose sight of that pleasure because of this heartache. Things will get better again.
    Thank you so much Ma'am. I just posted my whole ordeal under emergencies and diseases.
    I think I am in shock. But I am ready to do whatever I need to do for my birds.
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