Recent content by joone

  1. J

    Nervous Novice - Butchering advice?

    Hi! I'm new to raising birds for meat and am wanting to butcher my first batch of chickens soon. I've done a lot of reading and research (including on this forum!) and am determined to do this, but am still pretty nervous -- I've not butchered an animal before (besides an emergency cull of a...
  2. J

    New in Indiana!

    Thank you all!
  3. J

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I am INSANELY jealous. You can already have tomatoes out!!!! That's incredible!!
  4. J

    What did you do in the garden today?

    It's supposed to snow today so I will be covering my early spring shoots with a tarp to keep out the cold. They told me not to plant anything before Mother's Day in the midwest but I am stubborn. So far stuff is coming up anyways -- I just have to remember to tarp everything when it gets very...
  5. J

    New in Indiana!

    Hello all! I was a member of BYC in the past, when I had a pandemic flock, lol, but I have lost my login info since then, so decided to recreate. I just bought a house and moved to Indiana, so it was time for me to start a new flock! I've had them in the past, but apartments put a bit of a...
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