Recent content by Itsmekt55

  1. I

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Got 9 at the moment and all great layers! Awesome mix of breeds and a nice variety of egg colors… a Cinnamon Queen, Tetra Tint, Amberlink, Ancona, Buff Orpington, 2 Barred Rocks, and 2 Easter Eggers. Photo is Maude, our Ancona
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    Feather loss on back and wings

    Yes, this saddle does cover the wings partially which is why I got it for my little Reba. None of the other ones I came across had quite the same coverage. I purchased it on Amazon. LoveNCreatures – Water Resistant - Chicken Saddle Jacket (1 Apron Pack) Hen Supplies w/Over The Wing Poultry...
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    Chicken sitting a lot and tail feathers down

    Hello, I have an Australorp hen, Betty Anne, who is almost 4 years old. She has mostly stopped laying eggs and we believe we have only gotten one or two eggs from her over the past 5ish months. We do keep light in our coop in the winter months so we have decided she has retired from laying at...
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    Feather loss on back and wings

    Hello, One of my RIRs has had some serious feather loss on her back and wings. She is one of six chickens and none of the others are having such extreme loss. I am assuming it is from pecking since no one else is missing many feathers and she is not scratching at all but I have not seen any...
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