Recent content by Greystone farm

  1. Greystone farm

    Scab or dirt in old wound

    Should I soak her in some warm water and some Epson salt to clean the wound?
  2. Greystone farm

    Scab or dirt in old wound

    Hey! So I was just completing my first health check in a while on my flock and I found what appears to be an old open wound (most likely caused by my roo) on the side of one of my hens. It seems to have been there for a while and I just feel terrible that I didn’t find it sooner! The skin around...
  3. Greystone farm

    Duck vent is dirty and weird

    Thank you! I’ll try that.
  4. Greystone farm

    Duck vent is dirty and weird

    Hi! My one year old Welsh Harlequin duck Layla’s vent looks really strange and gross. It’s almost like there’s stuff right inside of it radiating around it (it’s isn’t protruding abnormally I just gently pulled around it so you could see in the picture). It looks like greenish chunks but I don’t...
  5. Greystone farm

    Fermented feed smells weird

    So I tried fermenting some grower feed for my chickens. It’s been a few days and I opened the lid to check on it to find that it smells very strongly, almost like cheese. It kind of smells like vomit. I’ve read that this means I should toss it, but the feed itself doesn’t look rancid or moldy to...
  6. Greystone farm

    Balance issue???

    So the vet came and luckily she says that it is unlikely that Penny had Mareks. She has no neurological issues or other symptoms and really no apparent reason not to stand properly. She doesn’t even seem to be in pain. So, we think she’s just in a weird growth phase where her pelvis is causing...
  7. Greystone farm

    Balance issue???

    Okay, thanks! The vet is coming tonight and we’ll see what she says
  8. Greystone farm

    Balance issue???

    Hi there! My silver laced Wyandotte chick Penelope, who is a few weeks over a month old, seems to have developed some sort of balance issue. Her center of balance is very low, and she tends to lean back on her shanks and hock joints a lot, to the point where she sometimes ends up toppling...
  9. Greystone farm

    Spangled Russian Orloff??

    Cool, thanks!
  10. Greystone farm

    Spangled Russian Orloff??

    Thanks for helping me out! One more thing…will Biscuit ever grow in a beard or head tuft or anything, or is she going to be a beardless/muffless EE?
  11. Greystone farm

    Spangled Russian Orloff??

    This is Camille, my ‘Easter egger.’ Lol I’m beginning to think that this little lady is my Orloff after all.
  12. Greystone farm

    Spangled Russian Orloff??

    Yeah, that’s possible. One of my Easter eggers has some spangling on her chest, though she does have more of a light brown/greyish colour not the Orloff dark brown. I picked Biscuit up from Performance Poultry in Prince Edward County, Ontario. I’ll email them about it.
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