Recent content by ginny_e

  1. ginny_e

    Dumped duck

    I was told someone else (that was trying to catch it) was able to grab the duck and it now lives happily with other ducks on a farm!
  2. ginny_e

    singular duck

    I have a singular Cayuga female duck left of my duck flock. Last week the male runner duck passed away, prior to that we had a couple other female runner ducks too. I was hoping to phase out the ducks, but she is 3, so relatively young still. She lives with our 5 chickens and seems to get a...
  3. ginny_e

    Dumped duck

    Still no luck, dang thing gets so close, but it is very fast. When I stopped by yesterday the pond had a layer of ice, it was nervous about it, but still came to me. I ordered a net, and am trying to devise a way to sneakily spring it on the duck.
  4. ginny_e

    Dumped duck

    No, I tried yesterday with no luck. Someone else seems to be trying too, there is a crate there with the door open and some towels. When I left, I made a line of meal worms from the edge of the pond into the crate. I figured I'd help someone else's efforts too.
  5. ginny_e

    Dumped duck

    Do you think it would matter though that i only have one female? I worry a bit too since I am pretty sure we got our male runner because my friend's male muscovy was picking on him. I'm trying to work it out with a coworker on setting a have a heart, she lives a lot closer to where the duck is...
  6. ginny_e

    Dumped duck

    Its in northern Massachusetts, once things freeze over he won't have a food source. It's been out for a few weeks, my coworkers saw another, but I haven't seen that one. I'm actually pretty surprised a coyote hasn't gotten it. When I've visited, it's come right up to me (but just out of...
  7. ginny_e

    Dumped duck

    I see there are other similar threads, but any luck with catching a dumped duck that stays a consistent few feet away? Someone dumped a Moscovy where I work. It is in a beaver wetland, pretty remote location, next to a main road that people usually drive 50+ mph on. I stopped by and fed it...
  8. ginny_e

    How To keep ducks from getting wet feather in winter?

    I'm in western Massachusetts with two runner ducks and a Cayuga. When I have outdoor water access (spigot on with hose hooked up) they have a kiddie pool. Once Temps drop and I lug water from the basement, they have livestock tubs so they can keep their nares clean and preen. They will bath...
  9. ginny_e

    Duck puncture wound

    The wound seems healed at least superficially. He doesn't put weight on one leg, but that seems to be improving a little day by day. I put him in the basement in a dog crate at night,then with the female ducks in a pen with their kiddie pool during the day. He swam yesterday, and was...
  10. ginny_e

    Duck puncture wound

    First photo is of his wing. I hadn't noticed it as much before. He had been holding his wing weird before, and it looked like his flight feathers were either ripped out or fell out. I suspect ripped because of the blood. The other two are of the puncture on his back, it is really small but I...
  11. ginny_e

    Duck puncture wound

    Thanks! It is hard to tell how deep, but appears clean and small in diameter. I'll try and trim the feathers and take a photo when I clean it next. We think it may have been our dog. They've had a disagreement for years, and I think the duck provoked him once too much. Generally our dog has...
  12. ginny_e

    Duck puncture wound

    Apologize if this has been posted already. I have a male runner duck that we noticed wouldn't get up today, he usually runs away from us. I picked him up and noticed blood and a wound, looks like a puncture wound. He isn't really using his leg and the wound is on his backside above where the...
  13. ginny_e

    Fly strike and necrotic tissue

    All thanks for the assistance. Unfortunately she passed tonight. At least no more suffering, I think that is one of the worst things I have seen in a pet. 💔 I have a feeling based on the smell that the infection was more severe than what could topically be addressed.
  14. ginny_e

    Fly strike and necrotic tissue

    Have you used Oxbow brand Critical Care with chickens? I just used it with my rabbit that was recovering from surgery and she did well on it. Got her through the first couple days.
  15. ginny_e

    Fly strike and necrotic tissue

    Sorry the photos are graphic. The wetness is from the vetericyn spray not water. I had bathed, saline rinse, blowdried then applied the vetericyn. The maggot population is very reduced. With the most recent bath and got about 5 total off her. I was able to give more electrolytes but I don't...
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