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  1. ginny_e

    Dumped duck

    I was told someone else (that was trying to catch it) was able to grab the duck and it now lives happily with other ducks on a farm!
  2. ginny_e

    singular duck

    I have a singular Cayuga female duck left of my duck flock. Last week the male runner duck passed away, prior to that we had a couple other female runner ducks too. I was hoping to phase out the ducks, but she is 3, so relatively young still. She lives with our 5 chickens and seems to get a...
  3. ginny_e

    Dumped duck

    Still no luck, dang thing gets so close, but it is very fast. When I stopped by yesterday the pond had a layer of ice, it was nervous about it, but still came to me. I ordered a net, and am trying to devise a way to sneakily spring it on the duck.
  4. ginny_e

    Dumped duck

    No, I tried yesterday with no luck. Someone else seems to be trying too, there is a crate there with the door open and some towels. When I left, I made a line of meal worms from the edge of the pond into the crate. I figured I'd help someone else's efforts too.
  5. ginny_e

    Dumped duck

    Do you think it would matter though that i only have one female? I worry a bit too since I am pretty sure we got our male runner because my friend's male muscovy was picking on him. I'm trying to work it out with a coworker on setting a have a heart, she lives a lot closer to where the duck is...
  6. ginny_e

    Dumped duck

    Its in northern Massachusetts, once things freeze over he won't have a food source. It's been out for a few weeks, my coworkers saw another, but I haven't seen that one. I'm actually pretty surprised a coyote hasn't gotten it. When I've visited, it's come right up to me (but just out of...
  7. ginny_e

    Dumped duck

    I see there are other similar threads, but any luck with catching a dumped duck that stays a consistent few feet away? Someone dumped a Moscovy where I work. It is in a beaver wetland, pretty remote location, next to a main road that people usually drive 50+ mph on. I stopped by and fed it...
  8. ginny_e

    How To keep ducks from getting wet feather in winter?

    I'm in western Massachusetts with two runner ducks and a Cayuga. When I have outdoor water access (spigot on with hose hooked up) they have a kiddie pool. Once Temps drop and I lug water from the basement, they have livestock tubs so they can keep their nares clean and preen. They will bath...
  9. ginny_e

    Duck puncture wound

    The wound seems healed at least superficially. He doesn't put weight on one leg, but that seems to be improving a little day by day. I put him in the basement in a dog crate at night,then with the female ducks in a pen with their kiddie pool during the day. He swam yesterday, and was...
  10. ginny_e

    Duck puncture wound

    First photo is of his wing. I hadn't noticed it as much before. He had been holding his wing weird before, and it looked like his flight feathers were either ripped out or fell out. I suspect ripped because of the blood. The other two are of the puncture on his back, it is really small but I...
  11. ginny_e

    Duck puncture wound

    Thanks! It is hard to tell how deep, but appears clean and small in diameter. I'll try and trim the feathers and take a photo when I clean it next. We think it may have been our dog. They've had a disagreement for years, and I think the duck provoked him once too much. Generally our dog has...
  12. ginny_e

    Duck puncture wound

    Apologize if this has been posted already. I have a male runner duck that we noticed wouldn't get up today, he usually runs away from us. I picked him up and noticed blood and a wound, looks like a puncture wound. He isn't really using his leg and the wound is on his backside above where the...
  13. ginny_e

    Fly strike and necrotic tissue

    All thanks for the assistance. Unfortunately she passed tonight. At least no more suffering, I think that is one of the worst things I have seen in a pet. 💔 I have a feeling based on the smell that the infection was more severe than what could topically be addressed.
  14. ginny_e

    Fly strike and necrotic tissue

    Have you used Oxbow brand Critical Care with chickens? I just used it with my rabbit that was recovering from surgery and she did well on it. Got her through the first couple days.
  15. ginny_e

    Fly strike and necrotic tissue

    Sorry the photos are graphic. The wetness is from the vetericyn spray not water. I had bathed, saline rinse, blowdried then applied the vetericyn. The maggot population is very reduced. With the most recent bath and got about 5 total off her. I was able to give more electrolytes but I don't...
  16. ginny_e

    Fly strike and necrotic tissue

    Any food enrichment ideas? She is still not eating ☹️
  17. ginny_e

    Fly strike and necrotic tissue

    I think she had some poop on her and that is what attracted the flies. She has always been a messy bird with her flooffy feathers. The affected area is below the vent but then towards her right leg. The worst area is between her legs and body, where it probably stays warm and moist normally.
  18. ginny_e

    Fly strike and necrotic tissue

    Thanks all for your comments and posts. I did another bath this morning, saline rinse, blow dried and sprayed with vetericyn. The area seems substantially better. Not nearly as many maggots in the bath, and I only picked one off after. I was pretty thorough with my inspection and didn't see...
  19. ginny_e

    Fly strike and necrotic tissue

    We just discovered fly strike on our loved cochin today. Yesterday was as normal, but today on death's door. We gave her two warm baths, dried her best we could with the hairdryer, picked off as may maggots as possible, flushed the dead skin/ wound with saline and sprayed with vetericyn. I...
  20. ginny_e

    Any ideas on breed?

    thanks all! Her comb kinda reminds me of a coral reef in shape, it's really distinct!
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