Recent content by genesis1verse1

  1. genesis1verse1

    Developing My Own Breed Of Large Gamefowl For Free Range Survival (Junglefowl x Liege)

    I think there are a lot of people who out of a well meaning compassion for animals get fooled into the idea that every living creature must be saved and nursed back to health. That is fine if the animal is your personal pet that you or your family has bonded with but it can be a detriment when...
  2. genesis1verse1

    Developing My Own Breed Of Large Gamefowl For Free Range Survival (Junglefowl x Liege)

    I've heard so many things about Mareks it's not even funny. I am anti vax on myself and on my animals and a firm believer in culling. I've had chickens that showed signs of Mareks that I bought at feed stores which after I thought about it I realized probably vaccinated for it. I've heard once...
  3. genesis1verse1

    Developing My Own Breed Of Large Gamefowl For Free Range Survival (Junglefowl x Liege)

    I saw your YouTube bullfrog, and I am really looking forward to getting your book. You gave me some good gardening ideas in that video.
  4. genesis1verse1

    Developing My Own Breed Of Large Gamefowl For Free Range Survival (Junglefowl x Liege)

    Loved the video update. It helps me remember which rooster is which. Very busy spring hatching you have going on, I love it, very exciting stuff bullfrog. I was watching some David the good videos the other day and I recalled that you were writing a book about raising chickens. How is that...
  5. genesis1verse1

    Developing My Own Breed Of Large Gamefowl For Free Range Survival (Junglefowl x Liege)

    Is the half an acre you are going to turn the crackers out into going to be enough for them? How many are there? I would be concerned with them flying over the netting and then being sitting ducks for predators. I've used electric netting and done this same thing but with less feral type birds...
  6. genesis1verse1

    Developing My Own Breed Of Large Gamefowl For Free Range Survival (Junglefowl x Liege)

    I'm moving down to South Alabama soon, I sure hope I can buy some hatching eggs from you off of your liege/asil project. They look amazing! I had a couple of liege fighters from GFF but had to let them go so we could move from Texas last summer. But now we have land and I can't wait to get...
  7. genesis1verse1

    Developing My Own Breed Of Large Gamefowl For Free Range Survival (Junglefowl x Liege)

    That's great! How big do you estimate he could get fully grown and filled out?
  8. genesis1verse1

    Developing My Own Breed Of Large Gamefowl For Free Range Survival (Junglefowl x Liege)

    I've seen roosters be cruel to hens that were initially mean to them. They don't forget it and as soon as they have asserted their dominance and ascend to the top of the pecking order they get their revenge. Breeding is secondary to maintaining their position. Maybe that's what is happening here.
  9. genesis1verse1

    Jersey Giant crosses

    Anyone ever tried a crazy cross of a Jersey Giant with a Fayoumi? Very odd combo with traits that would likely offset, but I thought it might be interesting to see if 1/4 or 1/8 Fayoumi added to JG might speed up their maturity significantly.
  10. genesis1verse1

    Developing My Own Breed Of Large Gamefowl For Free Range Survival (Junglefowl x Liege)

    Didn't think any other chickens were brave enough to face him, or do any damage for that matter
  11. genesis1verse1

    Developing My Own Breed Of Large Gamefowl For Free Range Survival (Junglefowl x Liege)

    I received 1 Fayoumi once years ago as a bonus bird from a hatchery. It died due to over crowding/smothering while a very young pullet when there was a cold snap. Up until I lost it I was really impressed with what an active forager it was at such a young age.
  12. genesis1verse1

    Developing My Own Breed Of Large Gamefowl For Free Range Survival (Junglefowl x Liege)

    Egyptian Fayoumi are supposed to be very disease resistant and great free range, rapid maturity. Only down side would be small size and small eggs. Have you thought about adding their genetics into your project? Just curious since you already have some Fayoumi. I want to start a survival bird...
  13. genesis1verse1

    Developing My Own Breed Of Large Gamefowl For Free Range Survival (Junglefowl x Liege)

    So if Indo does truly carry a single pea comb gene, then half of his offspring should be straight comb when he mates straight comb hens, right?
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