Recent content by FarmerGirl101

  1. FarmerGirl101

    Underweight and Emaciated Hens

    I don't have a good picture of them or their poop so I'll do that in the morning. I've not weighed them but according to the chart most are at a 2 with some at a 1 and others at a 3 although not many. I've got buff orpingtons, golden wyandottes, turkens, leghorns, New Hampshire, and an...
  2. FarmerGirl101

    Underweight and Emaciated Hens

    I'll definitely have to go look
  3. FarmerGirl101

    Baby!! How long can it stay in the incubator?

    If it were me I would take it out once it fluffs up but if needed you can keep it in there until tomorrow
  4. FarmerGirl101

    Underweight and Emaciated Hens

    I would but I just got more feed so I can't switch right now. I also did just go to TSC and its far away so I can't go often. I do have sunflower seeds if that might work
  5. FarmerGirl101

    Underweight and Emaciated Hens

    Their poop looks normal and they have a perfect appetite with full crops in the evening and empty in the morning. They have been eating their eggs (much to my dismay) so they have had some extra nutrition from that.
  6. FarmerGirl101

    Underweight and Emaciated Hens

    Hi! My main flock of 13 chickens (2 years old) all seem to be super skinny and underweight. They all have super pronounced breast bones. More than normal. They've been like this for a while but I've noticed it recently. My hens all seem to be smaller than previous chickens even ones who are the...
  7. FarmerGirl101

    How do you rat/mice proof your coop?

    My old rooster killed a rat once. It was flat as a pancake. So they will kill them but I've never had them eat it.
  8. FarmerGirl101

    Flock and Coop integration length

    I do have a fence that the chicks might go through and end up in the street or driveway so should I start with 1 hour supervised free range? My biggest worry is that the chicks might follow the lead of the big chickens who know they can't go into the street and have the chicks end up in the...
  9. FarmerGirl101

    Flock and Coop integration length

    My new chicks are going to be 3 months old when I put them out and my current hens are 4 and 5 years old. I have a run attached to my coop that they will be able to access and be locked in. My older hens will not be free ranging during the period of time that the new chicks are being integrated...
  10. FarmerGirl101

    Flock and Coop integration length

    How long do I need to keep my new chickens in the coop with my old ones before I let them out to free range? I've got 11 chicks that are due to go into my big coop in a few weeks to join my 4 four big girls. In the summer I tend to free range my chickens daily as we see less predators then and I...
  11. FarmerGirl101

    Cockerel Breed ID

    Thank you for the help
  12. FarmerGirl101

    Cockerel Breed ID

    I got chicks 5 weeks ago and they are around 5 weeks now. We got one chick from the bantam bin. They were no specific breeds listed on the label for the bin just "miniatures of popular breeds". When we first got him he was tiny and by far the smallest chick out of the batch we got (11 chicks)...
  13. FarmerGirl101

    Bantam Chickens?? What kind?

    Does the chick have feathers or fluff on it's legs and feet?
  14. FarmerGirl101

    Same Chicken??

    How big are the eggs? If you can measure them then I that would help
  15. FarmerGirl101

    ✴️Please Help!!!

    Hens do not get this much comb growth this early.
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